Frequently Asked Questions About AAOS

Products & Services

How do I find my online examinations?

  1. From the AAOS Home page immediately below the home page image
  2. Select "Online Learning"
  3. Login to your AAOS account to access the online learning platform
  4. From the left navigation menu, click on "My Activities"
  5. Select the appropriate examination status, "In Progress" or "Recently Completed"

Who do I contact for Code-X support?

To access detailed information regarding common Code-X technical and/or general support questions, please use the link Code-X Frequently Asked Questions.

Users who require additional support must submit a service ticket or direct written inquires to

Service Ticket Submissions

Users can also call the Code-X Support number at 888 614-2197 extension 2019 or extension 2020 for assistance.

How do I purchase additional user licenses for Code-X?

Please contact AAOS Customer Service or call 800 626-6726 (US) or 847 823-7186 (international).

How do I order printed coding books?

Please use our quick filter link: Printed Coding Books

Where can I find free patient education information?

Please visit OrthoInfo, the AAOS patient education website. OrthoInfo features more than 400 articles, videos, and animations on common orthopaedic problems, surgical procedures, nonsurgical treatments, injury prevention and healthy living. Many of the resources are available in Spanish.

What is the ResStudy?

Concurrent online access to the collection of AAOS Orthopaedic Special Interest Examinations Self-Assessment Examinations. ResStudy provides challenging, in-depth self-assessment questions in a broad range of orthopaedic topics. This program is a learning tool for residents, and evaluation tool for resident directors.

To order, please contact AAOS Customer Service or call 800 626-6726 (US) or 847 823-7186 (international).

Please note that ResStudy is only available for purchase by Residency Training Programs.

Where can I find more information on available resources for residents and residency programs?

Information is published on the AAOS website under Education or you can use the quick link below.

  1. From the AAOS Home page, click on "Education"
  2. Under Education, select "Resources for Residents and Programs"