External Quality Products Endorsed by AAOS

Musculoskeletal Tumor Society

Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Clinical Practice Guideline and Systematic Review

Clinical practice guidelines (CPG) and Systematic Reviews (SR) provide evidence-based recommendations for current orthopaedic diagnostic, treatment, and postoperative procedures. Multidisciplinary clinician work groups and AAOS staff work together to synthesize published research with the aim of providing a transparent and robust summary of the research findings for a particular orthopaedic disease topic. 

MSTS Appropriate Use Criteria

Appropriate use criteria (AUC) provide treatment recommendations on a patient-specific level. A multidisciplinary clinician writing panel creates realistic patient profiles who may present with a particular orthopaedic disease in a clinical setting. A separate multidisciplinary clinician voting panel uses a modified Delphi method to rate the appropriateness of various procedures for those patient profiles.