AAOS launched a new five-year Strategic Plan and Core Values in 2019, which includes a goal focused on increasing diversity in the Board and volunteer structure. To operationalize this renewed commitment to diversity, the AAOS Board of Directors charged its Diversity Advisory Board (DAB) to provide recommended tactics to achieve this goal.
AAOS is working with its DAB to execute a variety of new initiatives focused on leader recruitment, selection, retention, and culture.
Governance Diversity Report
As part of the selection metric, which focuses on purposeful and transparent selection for governance and leadership positions, AAOS developed the Governance Diversity Report: Composition, Engagement, Selection.
The report was developed with the objective of identifying a baseline and establishing a goal for increasing diversity among the volunteer structure. It provides an analysis of the AAOS’ volunteer structure composition, member engagement, and applicant selection. The report will be provided on an annual basis.
Progress on achieving the goal of increasing diversity among the AAOS volunteer structure is tracked through the AAOS Diversity Dashboard.