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Brand Resource Center

Partnerships and Programs

There are several partners, departments and programs that make up the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). To represent these collaborations, logo lockups are used.

Logo Lockups

Placement of the AAOS logo in a lockup with another identity is visual representation of the relationship and/or partnership with that organization or brand. All lockups should be requested through and created by the branding team. Placement of logo lockups should always adhere to the graphic-free zone guideline. 

The preferred AAOS logo for use in logo lockups is the two-line Academy logo or the two-line Association logo. Selection of the Academy or Association logo is dependent on which part of AAOS the partnership is related to. Use of the dual Academy/Association logo is appropriate under specific circumstances, and should be done with the approval of the branding team. 

The preferred orientation for logo lockups is horizontal, however vertical lockups are permitted, with the permission of the branding team, for necessary instances involving readability of the logos and design considerations. 

In a logo lockup, the AAOS logo should be of comparable size to the partnering logo, and should not be any smaller than 1 1/2 inches wide. 

In instances of visually displaying equal partnerships through a logo lockup, organize the logos in alphabetical order by partner names. In horizontal lockups, the first logo will be on the left. In vertical lockups, the first logo will be on the top. 

In instances of visually displaying partnerships of varying degrees through a logo lockup, the lead partner should be placed on the left-hand side or the top of the lockup, followed by a vertical or horizontal delineation between the subsequent partner logo(s). 



In instances of visually displaying AAOS programs and services through a logo lockup, place a vertical or horizontal delineation with the two-line Academy logo on the left or top, and the program and service mark logo on the right-hand side or bottom of the lockup. 

Programs and partnerships in need of guidance with a logo lockup should contact the branding team at brandguidance@aaos.org.

Sub-Brands, Departments and Products

AAOS sub-brands, departments and products are not required to present their logo as a lockup with the appropriate AAOS logo. They are, however, required to adhere to the guidelines set for this document as well as placing the AAOS logo in marketing materials and all branded collateral. 

For example, the Education Department is represented in some instances by the logo lockup below: 

AAOS-Education Programs-Logo.jpg

AAOS Registry Program

In October of 2017, The American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR) remerged with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) to be the cornerstone of the AAOS Registry Program. The AAOS Registry Program’s mission is to improve orthopaedic care through the collection, analysis and reporting of actionable data. Working in concert with the Academy’s brand guide, the AAOS Registry Program Style Guide, available on the Hub, is an expanded version of the original AJRR guidelines.

As of September 2019, there are four registries that are part of the AAOS Registry Program: AJRR, the Shoulder & Elbow Registry, the Musculoskeletal Tumor Registry and the American Spine Registry, which is a partnership with the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Each registry has its own branded logo which can be locked up with the two-line Acacemy  logo. There also is an overarching Registry Program logo.

2024 registry logos.jpg

AAOS Annual Meeting

The AAOS Annual Meeting is the world’s largest meeting of orthopaedic surgeons, researchers and allied health professionals.

Communications and marketing materials on behalf of the Annual Meeting adhere to their own style guide, found on the Hub. 


Political Action Committee

The Political Action Committee of the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons, or “The Orthopaedic PAC,” is the only national political action committee in Washington, D.C., dedicated solely to representing orthopaedic surgeons before Congress. Formed to help advance the legislative agenda of the AAOS and subspecialty orthopaedic groups, the orthopaedic PAC supports candidates for federal office who champion orthopaedic issues important to these groups. It is nonpartisan and was recently named the 2019 Outstanding Association PAC by the Public Affairs Council.

The primary logo for the PAC is a lockup of the Capitol Dome with the two-line Association Logo. This can be used for official letterhead, thank you notes, web, and print collateral.

AAOS-OrthoPAC lockup logo.jpg

The PAC’s primary brand color is defined as Association Blue.

As a part of the Orthopaedic PAC, the OrthoPAC Advisor’s Circle is the AAOS’ premier PAC Corporate Donor Program. The Advisor’s Circle is designed to provide AAOS Members’ group practices and special societies with a leadership role within the Orthopaedic PAC.

Another program connected to the Orthopaedic PAC is Corporate Advocacy Allies of the AAOS (CAA). CAA is designed to strengthen meaningful relationships between our industry friends and the AAOS Office of Government Relations (OGR).

Vendor Badges

Badges are used to identify vendors that AAOS partners with for various programs. Badges for the following programs are distributed by AAOS:

  • Member Advantage Program
  • Registries
  • PROMs


Can't find what you're looking for? Email the Branding Team or download the full AAOS Brand Guide (PDF).