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Imagine how your site can leverage insights to enhance patient care. Explore SER case scenarios to discover the transformative impact of data-driven healthcare.


  1. Quick Links
  2. Support Clinical Decision Making
  3. Address Gaps in Patient Care
  4. Identify Best Practices
  5. Inform Care Protocols
  6. Monitor Outcomes
  7. Utilize Patient-reported Outcomes
  8. Inform Future Measures
  9. Maintain Standards of Care
  10. Research Opportunities

Support Clinical Decision Making

Scenario: Making an informed decision on a patients’ quality of life post-surgery and what that will look like

Application: Being able to enter patient demographic & medical history details in the SHARP Calculator to compare 1-year predicted ASES outcomes for resident/fellow education and patient education/shared decision making.


Address Gaps in Patient Care

Scenario: Seeing higher readmission rates for a subset of patients based on demographics  

Application: Utilizing dashboard filters (age, race, gender, etc.) to compare outcomes within your own organization and nationally identifying groups that need focus to reduce complications/improve outcomes for a specific procedure type (also a filter).  


Identify Best Practices

Scenario: Orthopaedic surgical department notices an increase in readmission rates for surgical site infections (SSI)

Application: Upon analysis, the orthopaedic department determined that insufficient training or awareness among staff regarding infection prevention and early detection of SSIs has led to this increased readmission rate. Training is scheduled for the orthopaedic staff to identify best practices for wound care, leading to a reduced rate of surgical site infections.


Inform Care Protocols

Scenario: Seeing an increased incidence of intraoperative complications   

Application: Assessing pre-op protocols for risk-assessment based on medical history, addition preventative care (pre-op PT, medication, etc.) and/or post-operative protocols or implementing a consistent PROMs capture process to keep informed on patient progress and intervene if they are declining.   


Monitor Outcomes

Scenario: Comparing rTSA vs. Superior Capsule Reconstruction for an irreparable rotator cuff repair  

Application: Using the dashboard SSI metric visual, the quality manager drills down to the cases falling into the numerator for 2023. 70% of the cases present with a BMI >28. The quality manager takes this back to the ortho department lead to discuss preop education and nutrition guidance for their obese patient population to optimize preop care and health and improve post-op outcomes.


Utilize Patient-reported Outcomes (PROMs)

Scenario: A quality manager at Hospital X notices in RI that Hospital X SANE scores are much higher than the mean scores indicating better upper extremity health on average than other submitting hospitals

Application: This is a win for Hospital X as they position themselves as a leader in shoulder arthroplasties as well as the orthopedic care community as a whole. Patients seeking treatment for shoulder arthroplasties or rotator cuff repairs specifically seek out Hospital X due to its track record of excellent outcomes and commitment to patient safety.  


Maintain Standards of Care

Scenario: Identifying factors supporting inpatient vs. outpatient setting for shoulder arthroplasty or factors supporting use of rTSA for irreparable rotator cuff

Application: Having a large body of shoulder arthroplasty data for assessing outcome across different procedure settings or types for the same injury/diagnosis allows for greater outcomes analysis, informing potential future standards/clinical practice guidelines (CPG).  


Inform Future Measures

Scenario: Performance measures needed to address gaps in care 

Application: AAOS is able to utilize demographic, procedure, and outcomes data to assess gaps and develop measures that are relevant and timely for the orthopaedic community. For example, creating a measure that explores risk-adjustment factors for readmission after shoulder arthroplasty based on patient demographics and health characteristics.


Research Opportunities

Scenario: Comparing outcomes across surgical approach and/or components used across a set of patient and institution setting variables   

Application: Utilizing registry data combined from your own institution for internal analysis and research; Registry Analytics Institute (RAI) - future goal for SER to expand research applications for national data across the SER clinical research community.