The COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) led to significant growth in the use of telemedicine/telehealth services among surgical specialties, including orthopaedics. AAOS developed most of the resources featured here to support our members in providing the best possible care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Telemedicine/telehealth services will continue to be an important tool for providing continuity of care and access to services, as well as for preventing and mitigating the spread of COVID-19.
AAOS Telemedicine Coding Resources*
Telehealth and Telemedicine Terminology
In AAOS coding resources, both these terms are used to refer to virtual visits. Learn more about how these terms are used for coding purposes.
AAOS Coding Guide for COVID-19
Find comprehensive information on how to use telemedicine codes, as well as CMS telehealth reporting guidelines for the expanded telemedicine benefits for Medicare beneficiaries.
Telehealth Medicare Coverage Updates
Compilation of CMS updates regarding telehealth coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Telemedicine Quick Guide
This quick reference tool for telemedicine visits includes a checklist of CPT & HCPCS codes and their descriptors that may be reported for telemedicine, how to report the place of service (POS) code, applicable modifiers, and if allowed by CPT and/or CMS.
Policy Tracker for Telemedicine Visits
Find a comprehensive listing of commercial health plan payers and their telemedicine coverage polices during the COVID-19 pandemic.
New CPT Codes for COVID-19 Vaccines
Listing of all new CPT codes for COVID-19 vaccines and administration codes which must be reported with them.
*Many of these coding resources were created in 2020 and may contain CPT codes that have since been deleted or revised and changed payer policies.
Advocacy for Telemedicine Services
Ensure Flexibilities for Telemedicine
Join AAOS in urging your representatives to support legislation that extends flexibility for telemedicine services.
Telemedicine Practice Management Resources
AAOS Telemedicine Resource Guide
Find information about identifying appropriate telemedicine patients, and using telephone and video conferencing.
Telemedicine Startup Checklist
This comprehensive checklist outlines the steps a practice should take when establishing telemedicine services.
Telemedicine Articles in AAOS Now
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Telemedicine Coding in the Era of COVID-19
(Published 6/2/2020) Find answers to the most frequently asked questions on how to report telemedicine services.
All AAOS Now Telemedicine Articles
This search result listing features a wide range of topics about using telemedicine in orthopaedic practice. (AAOS Member login required for some AAOS Now articles.)
AAOS Webinars on Telemedicine
Spring Into Telemedicine
(Recorded 4/29/20) Presented by Members of the AAOS Coding, Coverage, and Reimbursement Committee: Dr. M. Bradford Henley, Dr. William N. Levine, Dr. Louis Stryker, Dr. Michael Suk, Dr. Frank R. Voss.
Practice Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Recorded 8/10/20) Presented by Dr. William N. Levine, Dr. Charles L. Getz, Dr. Bruce E. Cohen, Dr. Brian J. Cole, Dr. Chester J. Donnally III. (This webinar provides 1 CME credit and requires AAOS Member login to access.)
Additional External Telemedicine Resources
In January 2021, McDermott Consulting released survey results from 50 states which contains data on states laws regarding prescribing medication with telemedicine patients, new and established, as well as other standards and requirements listed out by state.
March 2021, JAMA publication, Use of Telehealth by Surgical Specialties During the COVID-19 Pandemic, summarizes results on telehealth patterns across surgical specialties prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data was derived from a large private payer in Michigan.
Karen Zupko & Associates (KZA) Telehealth Solutions Center, contains tools, articles and guides to streamline telehealth.
Our COVID-19 Member Resource Center provides additional resources on providing care during the COVID-19 pandemic, including information on preparing your practice, financial considerations, patient education, and more.