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AAOS PROMs Vendor Program

The AAOS PROMs Vendor Program is a tailored component within the AAOS PROMs in Practice initiative. It is designed to offer a rich library of technology vendors and solutions to orthopaedic surgeons and their care teams, supporting them with the collection and analysis of patient outcomes data.

Program participants are identified and selected on an annual basis. The AAOS encourages you to reach out to participating vendors directly to learn more about how they can help with PROMs collection and submission.

Need More Information?

Contact: proms@aaos.org

The AAOS provides links to PROMs Vendors as an AAOS member benefit. AAOS does not, directly or indirectly, endorse PROMs Vendors or any products or services offered by PROMs Vendors. AAOS makes no representations or warranties in connection with PROMs Vendors or any products or services offered by PROMs Vendors now or in the future. The list of PROMs Vendors is subject to change, and AAOS makes no representations or warranties that PROMs Vendors will continue to operate or continue to offer the products or services that were reviewed by AAOS. AAOS members with questions or concerns related to PROMs Vendors’ products or service should direct all inquiries to the PROMs Vendor in question. AAOS does not provide any customer service or other support on behalf of PROMs Vendors.