Mark Nazal, MD, MPH

Mark Nazal, MD, MPH
Orthopaedic Surgery Resident, PGY-5
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Member Since: 2020

How has the AAOS helped you during residency?
First and foremost, AAOS ResStudy and ROCK have been a core component of my study approach to learning the foundations of our amazing specialty, preparing for OITE and ABOS board exams, and succeeding on rotations. Second, I try to attend at least one AAOS Webinar/month to continue to grow in my understanding of clinical information and practice management. Third, I have attended the AAOS annual meeting several times and love the opportunities it has provided me to present research, learn at ICLs, and network with fellow surgeons and industry partners. Fourth, the AAOS Resident Rumble trivia competition has been a fun learning and team-bonding experience for my residency program.  Fifth, I am honored to represent my program as our AAOS Resident Delegate which allows me the opportunity to discuss, vote on, and impact issues that affect residents.

What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?
My father taught me that deliberate planning along with small, frequent efforts can add up and result in achieving large goals. This has been a cornerstone of my approach to higher education and professional career development. Along with my mother teaching me the importance of being hardworking, genuine, kind, and humble.

What’s your go-to productivity trick?
Productivity starts by setting an overarching vision of what you want to achieve. Then constructing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely (aka SMART) goals. I then break down and organize those goals into specific calendar milestones, while making a regular To-Do list to drive and focus my daily efforts. I also try to focus on a handful of goals, for me this works by avoiding being overly focused or saturated on only one goal, but also avoiding having too many goals that I get pulled in too many directions.  Finally, I try to be resourceful and work as a team, there are always people around you that want to collaborate.

What’s one thing you’re currently trying to make a habit?
I try to call or text a friend/acquaintance outside of medicine at least once a week. I found it helpful to continue to stay connected with a broader network and avoid the insularity that comes with a busy residency program.

What hobbies do you enjoy in your spare time?
I like to hang out with my phenomenal co-residents and amazing girlfriend, read (non-medical books), lift weights, play basketball, and explore restaurants and breweries. 

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that not many people know?
I have three brothers. They are the best and serve as my ultimate source of inspiration and motivation.