Carlos David Maya, MD
Medical Student
Centro de Estudios Universitarios Xochicalco, Mexicali
Member Since: 2024
Why did you join AAOS?
My dad has been a current member of the AAOS since 2016 and whenever he came back from the Annual Meetings, he would tell me what he learned. Since then, I became interested in orthopaedics. During my one-year internship in Houston, Texas, I did two rotations in orthopaedics, and that has been my best decision. Now I’m currently on my social service doing research in orthopaedics and trauma at an institute in Mexico City.
What are you looking forward to most about AAOS?
To see what is the new thing going on in Orthopaedics! Also, I like to hear case discussions from doctors to help me to know the different points of view of the same case. All of these helped me improve my knowledge and skills.
What interested you about orthopaedics?
The way we change patients’ lives. Returning to their daily life activities. Watching people walking again, playing with their children. Sometimes it is life-changing for them. We give them new opportunities for them to get back to their life.
What is the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?
The Nike slogan becomes my daily mantra “Just do it”. Also, an Instagram reel that says “Do it sad, do it angry, do it heartbroken, do it miserable, do it excited, do it energized, do it happy, do it tired, do it confident, do it discouraged, do it anyway.”
What's one thing you're currently trying to make a habit?
Thanking God for a new day every day.
What hobbies do you enjoy in your spare time?
Playing video games, playing tennis, playing the drums, guitar, and bass, listening to music in the dark, repairing electronics, photography, and cooking.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself that not many people know!
I used to train taekwondo for 3 years when I was in elementary school.