Reggie A. Torredes, MD, MHA, FPOA, FPSS

Reggie A. Torredes, MD, MHA, FPOA, FPSS
Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon
St. Luke’s Medical Center- Global City
Manila, Philippines
Member Since: 2012

How has the AAOS helped you throughout your career?
AAOS always publishes updated clinical guidelines that have inspired and helped me in my orthopedic practice. I make it a point to follow up on new publications and guidelines released by the Academy.

As an International Member, which AAOS resources do you use most and why?
I do my best to attend the AAOS Annual Meeting because of the unique and premiere experience of learning from an assembly of world-renowned orthopaedic surgeons and leaders together with industry and allied medical partners. The JAAOS journals keep me up to date with new research materials and refine orthopaedic techniques with the Techniques Journals.

What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?
“Never stop learning” might sound like a cliché but what I’ve learned from my mentors is that we should never be complacent and be open to change. Acquiring new knowledge and skills with advancing technology should be a priority. There will always be new discoveries and techniques and no one is exempted from learning. We should all keep up with the latest developments in our field.

What’s your go-to productivity trick?
I plan for the next day before I go to sleep, wake up early, and prioritize on accomplishing the long and difficult tasks first.

What’s one thing you’re currently trying to make a habit?
I make it a habit to spend quality time with my family, despite the busy schedule.

What hobbies do you enjoy in your spare time?
I engage in physical fitness activities (hiking/walking/biking/swimming) and enjoy playing pickleball, badminton, and golf with the family. I’m part of a Watch Club at our Orthopedic Center that appreciates and marvels at heritage timepieces.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that not many people know?
I am an animal lover, and indigenous trees advocate whose ultimate dream is to own a self-sustaining farm or be in a nature park with me as a wildlife officer.