Peace I Amaraegbulam, MD

Peace I Amaraegbulam, MD
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Federal Medical Center
Umuahia, Nigeria
Member Since: 2021

How has the AAOS helped you throughout your career?:
AAOS has been very instrumental to my professional growth from an early stage both as a Clinician and as an organizer. I joined as an International Resident Member and the lifelong learning helped to shape my orientation positively. The Orthopaedic Review Course was one of the best courses I attended as a resident.

I was a two-time international scholar, first as the International Surgical Skill scholar, and later as the International Emerging Leader. Both opportunities brought me in contact with renowned orthopaedic surgeons like Dr. Joshua Hyman who guided me to narrow my interest to Pediatric Orthopaedics and became my mentor since then. Many others, too numerous to mention, have helped to guide my growth in the chosen subspecialty and I cannot be thankful enough. I also participated in courses at the Orthopaedic Learning Center and networked with surgeons from around the world.

Furthermore, I was privileged to serve on the AAOS International Committee for two years, with wonderful people as well.

As an International Member, which AAOS resources do you use most and why?
The publications, JAAOS and JAAOS Global have wonderful review articles that contribute a lot to learning. I also join the webinars when I can, and I have attended several Annual Meetings because of their educational value.

What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?
I will talk about the two best pieces of advice. The first was from my trainer during the early days of residency. Dr. Fred Ugwumba told me, when I wanted to quit, “Peace, you must stick at it. Some years from now, you will be glad you did.” Then, many years later when I was battling with low confidence, Dr. Hyman said, “We all pass through moments of low confidence, but we don’t quit. We overcome them.” Looking back, I have learned to turn the temptation to quit into amazing moments of learning and impact-making.

What’s your go-to productivity trick?
“Dump my ideas before they dump me.” There is always someone with whom I can share my ideas and plans. Someone who would be truthful to point out my errors and push me on through my weaknesses. Plus, “I do not want to die with my music in me.”

What’s one thing you’re currently trying to make a habit?
Be focused. Find the time to sit on one thing at a time till it is accomplished before you move to the next.

What hobbies do you enjoy in your spare time?
Adventures including writing, reading, traveling, and making an impact.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that not many people know?
I participated in athletics and female football during my high school and medical school days. Now seems like the best time to get back to sports.