Faisal Abdul Jabbar, MD

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Faisal Abdul Jabbar, MD
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Karachi, Pakistan

Why did you join AAOS?

To be a part of an international highly ranked Orthopaedic Association. To take active part as a member and to enhance my clinical knowledge for practical application and to keep myself updated with the new advancements and serve the patients with standards of quality care.

How do you define success?

Success is not something that is written up there, it comes from what we do down here.

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

The struggle, the persistent efforts and patience that led my Father to success in his life is my biggest inspiration.

How has the AAOS helped you throughout your career?

It has almost been one year now and being a member of AAOS has already helped me build my career. Watching the webinars and getting useful information from the video library has guided me immensely in my practical approach.

What advice would you give to new members of AAOS?

My advice to the new members is to not just be a member of AAOS but try to be an active member and participate as much as you can. AAOS is all about being a part of a great orthopaedic community.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that not many people know?

Besides being an orthopaedic surgeon, I love doing painting and arts and I am looking forward to working on and publishing an orthopaedic spinal surgical atlas. I play guitar in a band and write songs for them. I am an author moving towards publishing my first quotes book. I am also an athlete and enjoy playing squash.

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