Brian J. Page, MD

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Why did you join AAOS?

My father is an orthopaedic surgeon and a longtime member of the academy. I can remember traveling with him for meetings as a child and wanting to be able to see what was happening in the meeting. Now that I am able to attend, I find the educational resources, networking, leadership, and research opportunities to be invaluable. I look forward to being able to meet in person this fall.

How do you define success?

I measure my success in my ability to balance and continually grow in the many roles I play including resident, educator, student, husband, and father. When I fail in one role, they are all affected.

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

My father has been my biggest inspiration. He was raised in a home with little means and became the first physician in his family. As a child I watched him provide care to his patients and it inspired me to go into medicine and ultimately to follow in his footsteps becoming an orthopaedic surgeon. I was fortunate enough to attend the Academy Meeting in Las Vegas with him a couple of years ago.

What do you love most about AAOS?

Although there are many memberships in orthopaedics divided by region, specialty, or both; the AAOS is truly an international and interdisciplinary association. I enjoy the opportunity to learn about innovations and to network with surgeons around the world in multiple disciplines.

What advice would you give to new members of the AAOS?

Take advantage of the online resources – they are invaluable. Contribute to the AAOS in whatever means works best for you, whether that is joining a committee or contributing to a database such as AJRR. Attend as many meetings as possible and be open to learning things that may differ from your program’s teaching. The AAOS provides the opportunity to meet people from all of the country, which may be eventual colleagues, educators, and/or friends. 

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that not many people know.

Before entering medicine, I was a personal trainer.

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