Megan Kuba, MD
Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon
Children’s Orthopaedics of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI
How has the AAOS helped you throughout your career?
The AAOS has given me so many opportunities over the years. From scholarships to attend the Annual Meeting and courses, to providing excellent virtual education (coming from Hawaii, it is really helpful to have virtual options to decrease travel time and costs).
As a Candidate Member, which AAOS resources do you use most and why?
Starting out in practice, I find that the orthopaedic video library is essential. I am able to review cases that I haven't seen since training and learn new techniques that can help my patients.
What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?
I have had too many mentors and too much great advice to pick the best! I feel like this may change with my mood and the situation of the day with what reaches the #1 spot.
What’s your go-to productivity trick?
I am a list "checker-offer." I have used Evernote since college and a good old fashion color-coordinated paper-pencil planner. I write everything down as soon as it pops into my head so that I don’t risk forgetting. Then when I am working on a task I don't get as distracted because I know I won’t forget to do something later.
What’s one thing you’re currently trying to make a habit?
I am trying to become an early-morning person. I was always a night owl, but surgery, call, and 2 young kids means that night times are more unpredictable. I am trying to embrace early morning workouts so that I can start the day well.
What hobbies do you enjoy in your spare time?
I love hiking and dancing when I am home in Hawaii. But during fellowship (in Seattle), I fell in love with skiing and so now if I have any chance to leave the island, I want to go to the snow and mountains.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself that not many people know?
I was a tap dancer growing up and my feet still don’t like to stand still. I like using the shaver pedal during arthroscopy because I feel like I can be more coordinated with the different pedals, and I don’t have to stand still!