Nathaniel A Bates, PhD

Nathaniel A Bates, PhD
Vice Chair of Research, Department of Orthopaedics
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Columbus, Ohio
Member Since: 2021

How has the AAOS helped you throughout your career?
Providing networking opportunities with clinical connections that I otherwise would not be exposed to as an engineer.

As an Allied member, which AAOS resources do you use most and why?
As a member of a clinical department and director of a gap-year research program, I know that many medical students are inexperienced in scientific writing. The manuscript preparation guide resources posted on the AAOS website provide a strong supplement to what I teach these students about how to craft papers. These guidelines certainly help produce better structured manuscripts from novice writers.

What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?
"We ourselves are no more than beggars who can show other beggars where to find bread," - Pastor Keith Minier, Grace Fellowship Church. Ultimately, this communicates that all things and people are flawed and need grace, including ourselves. Therefore, life is best approached with gratitude and humility, and we should share the things and knowledge we have with others as all those things were first shared with us. This is pertinent both personally and professionally, as all scientific models are also flawed and can be improved; otherwise, they wouldn't be considered models.

What’s your go-to productivity trick?
List your five top priorities each morning and at the start of each week. Keep the lists in front of you so your priorities are not lost in the shuffle of day-to-day business.

What’s one thing you’re currently trying to make a habit?
Staying in better touch with networks of personal and professional contacts who I do not encounter regularly as a part of daily life. 

What hobbies do you enjoy in your spare time?
Ice Hockey, soccer, gaming, and going on adventures with my family.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that not many people know?
While co-oping at NASA, one of my responsibilities was fitting astronauts for their space suits, which made me the world's most expensive tailor.