We will be performing site maintenance on AAOS.org on January 21st from 8 - 9 AM CST, which may cause sitewide downtime. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Namita Bhardwaj, MD


Namita Bhardwaj, MD
Primary Care Sports Medicine Physician
Assistant Professor, Director of Sports Medicine
Associate Director, Residency Program
Department of Family Medicine

Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
The University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, TX

How has the AAOS helped you throughout your career?
AAOS has helped me network with orthopaedic colleagues and has provided additional tools for collaboration across specialties. I have also been given the opportunity to present at the Annual Meeting about "eSports Players: The New Athletes with Orthopaedic Diagnoses."

As an Affiliated Professional Member, which AAOS resources do you use most and why?
The resource I use the most is the Annual Meeting. The meeting not only provides a venue for networking, but also helps me know what new things are happening so that I may provide more information to my patients. 

What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?
The best advice I was ever given was by my grandfather: "Don't be afraid to say I don't know. But don't be content with I don't know, educate yourself so next time you will know."  

What’s your go-to productivity trick?
I make a note of what I plan to do at the next office visit in the current office visit. This helps me provide better continuity of care.  

What’s one thing you’re currently trying to make a habit?
Practicing gratitude and writing down three things that I'm grateful for each day.  

What hobbies do you enjoy in your spare time?

Travel, reading, spending time with family and friends.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that not many people know?
My goal is to see to see all 50 states before I turn 50. I currently have 9 states left. Hawaii will hopefully be my 50th.