AAOS Fundamentals of Knee & Shoulder Arthroscopy for Orthopaedic Residents

Registration is limited to orthopaedic residents.
AAOS will consider the requests of persons with disabilities for reasonable modifications of policies, practices, and procedures or for auxiliary aids and services where necessary to provide them access to AAOS facilities, services and products. AAOS encourages that such requests be made as soon as possible to enhance AAOS’ ability to accommodate the requests. All such requests should be submitted to the AAOS Courses Team at cmecourses@aaos.org

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Experience the state-of-the-art OLC Education & Conference Center
The OLC provides a world-class clinical setting for physicians, surgeons and medical professionals from around the world to develop new skills and advance surgical skills. The spacious bio-skills lab is designed for hands-on teaching and offers the most expansive learning environment of its kind anywhere. Take a virtual tour here!