57th Annual AAOS Course for Orthopaedic Educators
Program Materials
Course Highlights
This course equips you with the tools to:
- Innovate your own teaching strategies and formats
- Facilitate resident learning
- Evaluate resident and program goals and problems
- Address important considerations in academic faculty career development
- Improve clinical and surgical skills teaching
- Plan and implement better resident rotations
- Evaluate the current effectiveness of your own teaching practices
- Address important aspects of career planning
Session topics include:
- Guiding Educational Principles
- Approaches to Teaching
- Fostering Learning In the Clinic
- Planning a Resident Rotation
- Teaching Surgical Skills
- Orthopaedic Workforce & Implications for Patient Care
- Your Career as an Orthopaedic Educator
- Challenging Competencies
Who Should Attend?
This course is designed for orthopaedic educators, residency program directors, instructional course chairs, and other orthopaedic surgeons responsible for resident education.
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