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AAOS Orthopaedic Code-X®

Powered by GaleAI, Code-X now uses machine learning to provide efficient and accurate versatile searching.

  Save Time

 Reduce Errors

 Optimize Payments


Stop Being Stumped by Codes

Powered by GaleAI, Code-X is better than ever and makes searching for codes simple to save you time and optimize payments.

Experience Unparalleled Support and Current Content

A premiere coding tool that provides expert Coding guidance and access to exclusive resources, including AAOS Now Coding articles and coding Webinars. And, because Code-X has continuous code updates (RVU, HCPCS, CPT, ICD-10, and more), you are always accessing the latest content. 

The AAOS Coding Community will support your needs, including U.S. Based Customer Service.

Immediate, On-The-Go Coding

Included with your subscription is access to the Code-X Lite App, giving you flexibility and ease to code on-the-go. No other Coding tool makes it this simple to get paid what you are owed.

With Code-X, you can start your subscription today and gain 12 full months of access.
Your renewal date will be based on the day you subscribe.

4 licenses


per user, per month
billed annually

10 licenses


per user, per month
billed annually

20 licenses


per user, per month
billed annually

More than 20 licenses – email support@aaos.org