You are entering webpages belonging to the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons, which includes information and resources for Association advocacy efforts and the Political Action Committee of The American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons (OrthoPAC).

State Society Executive Directors List Server

The Association has established a list server that allows State Society Executive Directors to communicate with each other. To send electronic mail, simply do the following:

  • Click on this State Executive Director hyperlink. If your browser is configured to send mail, a mail box will automatically open for you to compose your message.
  • If you cannot send mail from your browser, you can use your standard E-mail system. The address of the list server is:
  • You mustbe designated by AAOS as a State Executive Director.
  • The system will reject messages sent by anyone who is not an authorized user.
  • The list server file is updated once a week. Adding or correcting your E-mail address will not give you immediate access to the list server.
  • Please contact Erin Vollandat (847) 384-4366 if you have problems.
  • Selected members of the AAOS Health Policy department have access to the list server.