Exhibitor Essentials

Welcome to your Exhibitor Essentials — your go-to hub for all AAOS Annual Meeting planning resources! From webinars and newsletters to attendee demographics and registration numbers, find everything you need here to make your exhibiting experience seamless and successful.

Exhibitor Planning Video Library
Dive into our On-Demand Planning Webinars for AAOS 2025 — packed with all the essential insights and updates you need - accessible anytime, anywhere! From key deadlines to logistical tips, these quick sessions are designed to keep your planning smooth and stress-free.

Virtual Site Visit
An exclusive behind-the-scenes look at AAOS 2025 – offers insights into strategic booth selection, expert advice from our team, and help stay informed on upcoming event details. Recorded on: May 30, 2024.
Top Marketing Strategies Webinar
Uncover the secrets to making your booth the star of the show! Learn how to spotlight your products, services, and booth location while connecting with more attendees than ever before. Recorded on: September 25, 2024.
October Town Hall
Topics Included: Exhibitor Resource Center, Exhibitor Listing, Exhibitor Service Manual. Recorded on: October 9, 2024.
November Town Hall
Topics Included: Exhibitor Service Manual, Upcoming Deadlines & Key Dates. Recorded on: November 6, 2024.
Exhibit Essentials for AAOS 2025
Discover how to set objectives, plan your budget, and craft a winning booth strategy. Gain tips on maximizing exposure, leveraging exhibitor resources, and engaging attendees before, during, and after the meeting. Recorded on: November 13, 2024.
December Town Hall
Topics Included: Attendee Registration Numbers, Booth Construction, Booth Activities, Exhibitor Housing. Recorded on: December 4, 2024.
January Town Hall
Topics Included: Attendee Registration Numbers, Exhibitor Housing, Badge Registration, Marketing Opportunities. Recorded on: January 9, 2025.
January 29th Town Hall
Topics Included: Attendee Registration Numbers, Shipping, Target Move-In, Attendee Lists, and New Exhibit Hall Opportunities. Recorded On: January 29, 2025.

Next Upcoming Webinar
Stay in the know with our Live Webinar Series leading up to AAOS 2025! Join us for insider tips, expert guidance, and real-time updates to help you make the most of your exhibiting experience — all the way to onsite at the exhibit hall floor.

Past Meeting Demographics
Get a glimpse into our Past Meeting Demographics to see the impactful reach of AAOS!
Attendee Registration Numbers
Explore our Attendee Registration Numbers to see how AAOS draws a powerful audience each year!
Monthly Exhibitor E-Letters
AAOS sends monthly e-letters to all exhibitors. These updates are intended to provide the most pertinent information exhibitors need to have a successful experience at AAOS 2025.

Exhibitor resource center, final payment, exhibitor directory listing, housing, service manual, badge registration, and exhibitor suites.
Exhibitor service manual, badge registration, target move-in schedule, exhibitor appointed contractor, and exhibitor insurance.
Attendee registration numbers, housing, booth activity requests, island booth design approval, EAC requests, exhibitor town hall, and attendee lists.
Attendee registration numbers, exhibitor event & meeting space, company advertisement approvals, discount deadlines, AAOS B2B LinkedIn page, and Orthopaedist's Bag promotion.
Attendee registration numbers, shipping, happy hour in the hall, discount deadlines, exhibitor insurance, and exhibitor essentials page.
Attendee registration numbers, Annual Meeting app, pickleball, OrthoQuest, AAOS Business Development team, and digital display ads.