You are entering webpages belonging to the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons, which includes information and resources for Association advocacy efforts and the Political Action Committee of The American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons (OrthoPAC).

Program Details

The AAOS Congressional Ambassador Program welcomes Fellows who are willing to be a part of the orthopaedic community’s efforts to educate government officials and their staff about legislative and regulatory health policy issues. An Ambassador may help provide access to legislators and serve as a respected and knowledgeable voice on orthopaedic issues and those affecting the larger musculoskeletal community.

Ambassadors participate in AAOS grassroots advocacy efforts by contacting their Members of Congress about important healthcare issues. In addition, they engage their colleagues in advocacy by educating them about specific issues and how they can become involved.  

AAOS staff from the Office of Government Relations supports Congressional Ambassadors by providing information on regulatory and legislative issues, as well as guidance in contacting Members of Congress. 

Are you interested in joining the Ambassador Program? Reach out to the AAOS Advocacy team at for more information.

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