Committee Charges
- Hold an Open Hearing during the NOLC and Fall Meeting for AAOS Resolutions and/or BOC/BOS Advisory Opinions to be proposed (as described in the AAOS Bylaws).
- Prepare a report, in executive session, after the Open Hearing.
- Present to the BOC and BOS the Committee's recommended actions on the proposed AAOS resolutions and/or BOC/BOS Advisory Opinions.
- The BOC Chair shall present the voted BOC recommendations on the proposed AAOS Resolutions and BOC/BOS Advisory Opinions to the AAOS Board of Directors.
- As appropriate, during the BOC business meeting at the AAOS Annual Meeting, the Resolutions Committee may present its report and recommendations and the BOC's position regarding each of the proposed resolutions/advisory opinion(s) being considered.