Overall Purpose/Mission
Promote political action activities and participation among orthopaedic surgeons and prioritize PAC campaign contributions to candidates.
- Align all activities to support execution and achievement of the mission, vision, goals, strategic objectives and metrics of the Strategic Plan and conduct all business in accordance with the Core Values as adopted by the Board of Directors.
- Ensure compliance with Federal laws and regulations of the Federal Election Commission.
- Prioritize PAC contributions to Federal candidates to U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate, national political parties, and independent expenditures.
- Promote PAC activities and participation among orthopaedic surgeons.
- Develop and oversee PAC fundraising activities.
- Identify key contacts for all Members of the Congress and Senate.
- Develop grassroots network of AAOS membership to enhance political activities.
- Oversee all PAC communications with membership, including newsletter, dues insert, and web page.
Reporting Relationship
Reports to the Advocacy Council
AAOS Second Vice-President
Chair, Advocacy Council
Chair, Board of Specialty Societies
Chair-Elect, Board of Specialty Societies
Chair, Board of Councilors
Chair-Elect, Board of Councilors
State Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee (SLRI) Representative
Advocacy Resources Committee (ARC) Representative
Candidate Member
Two (2) Member-at-Large (AAOS Fellows; One of which shall be nominated by the PAC Advisor’s Circle)
Member-at-Large (Fellow or candidate member in first 5 years of practice)
AAOS Chief Executive Officer (ex-officio)
Term of Office
For chair, secretary, and treasurer: four (4) years; eligible for one (1) additional four (4) year term for a maximum term of service of eight years.
For candidate member, two (2) years; not eligible for additional reappointment.
For member, two (2) years; eligible for one (1) additional two (2) year term
Staff Liaison (title)
PAC Manager, Office of Government Relations
Last updated: 9/12/2020