Overall Purpose/Mission
Serve a resource to all AAOS bodies where the interest and input of patients is deemed desirable.
1. Align all activities to support execution and achievement of the mission, vision, goals, strategic objectives and metrics of the Strategic Plan and conduct all business in accordance with the Core Values as adopted by the Board of Directors.
2. Provide input to the AAOS Patient Education Committee on patient education materials.
3. Provide patient input to the Public Relations Oversight Group on public service announcements and other communication vehicles designed to reach patients and potential patients.
4. Review, as requested, new and updated content on "Your Orthopaedic Connection" to ensure that it will meet the needs of patients and potential patients.
5. Assist in encouraging patient participation in Research Capitol Hill Day.
6. Report annually to the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting Board Meeting.
Reporting Relationship
Reports to Board of Directors.
"Your Orthopaedic Connection" Editorial Board lay member
Patient Education Committee lay member
Four (4) members at large
Term of Office
For chair, two (2) years; eligible for one (1) additional two (2) year term.
For members, two (2) years; eligible for one (1 additional (2) year term.
Staff Liaison (title)
Senior Manager, Websites
Last updated: 2/12/07