Committee on Evidence-Based Quality and Value

Overall Purpose/Mission

Plan, organize, direct and evaluate Evidence-Based initiatives such as Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs), Systematic Reviews (SRs), and Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) and oversee related education, dissemination, validation, and implementation activities.


  1. Align all activities to support execution and achievement of the mission, vision, goals, strategic objectives and metrics of the Strategic Plan and conduct all business in accordance with the Core Values as adopted by the Board of Directors.
  2. Oversee the guideline workgroup meetings and overall guideline development for all evidence based clinical practice guidelines (CPGs).
  3. Oversee the appropriate use criteria panel (AUC) meetings and overall AUC development for all evidence based AUCs.
  4. Work collaboratively with the AAOS Registries Program by providing guidance on potential performance measures based on AAOS CPGs and authoring articles based on AAOS registry data.
  5. Support the development, dissemination, and implementation of educational projects related to CPGs, SRs, and AUCs. This may include, but is not limited to, guideline checklists, shared decision making tools, educational modules, practice improvement modules, mobile and web-based applications, and webinars.
  6. Support and develop methodology for AAOS orthopaedic value projects and facilitate the collection and measurement of quality data. This may include working with the BOS, BOC, and other AAOS councils and committees to ensure that the AAOS is the leading authority in defining orthopaedic value.
  7. Support the development, dissemination and implementation of orthopaedic value projects as well as the validation, testing, and endorsement of quality products.
  8. Select topics for AAOS orthopaedic quality and value projects with input from AAOS members, payers, purchasers, policymakers, patient advocacy groups, and healthcare provider rating agencies.
  9. Ensure that AAOS members and representatives from appropriate medical societies are appointed to CPG development workgroups and AUC panels.
  10. Establish and maintain communications with the BOS, BOC, BOD and members about CPG, AUC, systematic reviews (SR), and orthopaedic value projects to facilitate dissemination and implementation of Evidence-Based initiatives.
  11. Collaborate with the Council on Education, Research and Quality Council, and the Council on Advocacy, and the AAOS Registry to develop, disseminate and implement Evidence-Based Practice concepts, products, and projects (i.e. guideline checklists, shared decision making tools, guideline derived patient education materials, practice improvement modules, AAOS Online Learning, CPGs, AUCs, mobile and web-based applications and webinars.
  12. Collaborate with the Council on Education and AAOS Registry to develop programs that enhance orthopaedic value and quality. Support AAOS members in working with other involved stakeholders on the importance of value delivery in orthopaedic patient care.
  13. Act as a resource and advisor for physicians, clinicians and other musculoskeletal organizations on quality improvement activities such as practice improvement modules, guideline checklists, CPGs, PMs, and AUCs.
  14. Respond to requests for commentary on orthopaedic related documents from government medical quality improvement and medical value enhancing agencies.
  15. Coordinate communication activities with healthcare payers, purchasers and patients to learn about their interest in clinical practice guidelines and AUCs, and to educate them about AAOS quality initiatives.
  16. Selectively review relevant outside clinical practice guidelines, performance measures, and appropriate use criteria for potential AAOS endorsement.
  17. Promote the use of evidence-based medicine in patient safety initiatives through coordination with the AAOS Patient Safety Committee.
  18. Investigate and attempt to influence the use of orthopaedic PMs in orthopaedic practice.
  19. Promotes the collection and implementation of patient reported outcomes data.  Delineates pathways to collect outcomes data and assumes a leadership role in defining indicators of quality orthopaedic care.  Fosters the development of tools and expertise to advance the delivery of high quality orthopaedic care to patients.

Reporting Relationship

Research and Quality Council 



Clinical Practice Guideline Section Leader

CPG Derivatives Section Leader

Performance Measures Section Leader

Ten (10) Members (One of which serves as Liaison to the Patient Safety Committee)

One (1) BOC/BOS Research and Quality Committee Representative

Candidate Member

Core Area Competency Consultants (as needed) 

Term of Office

For chair, two (2) years; eligible for one (1) additional two (2) year term.

For section leaders and members-at-large, two (2) years; eligible for one (1) additional two (2) year term. 

For candidate member, two (2) years; non-renewable.  

Staff Liaison (title)

Quality Improvement Specialist

Last Updated: 11/18/2024
