Support development, validation, and dissemination of culture and processes that improve orthopaedic surgical safety and inform Academy policy with regard to these issues.
Specific endeavors
- Align all activities to support execution and achievement of the mission, vision, goals, strategic objectives and metrics of the Strategic Plan and conduct all business in accordance with the Core Values as adopted by the Board of Directors.
- Review and monitor scientific and regulatory developments in the field of healthcare safety as it relates to orthopaedic surgery.
- Provide leadership within the AAOS insight on regulatory and advocacy issues where healthcare safety is involved.
- Contribute to AAOS editorial platforms.
- Collaborate with Research and Quality Council committees, BOS/BOC, other perioperative and safety organizations and other AAOS teams to advance quality and safety.
- Propose new and manage existing Safety Position and Information Statements.
- Develop practical patient safety tools, solutions, and educational resources that aid in establishing a culture of safety.
- Oversee and prioritize physician wellness initiatives to ensure the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of medical professionals within healthcare settings.
Reporting Relationship
Research and Quality Council
Eight (8) Members at Large
One (1) BOC/BOS Research and Quality Committee Liaison
Liaison from the Committee on Evidence-Based Quality and Value
Term of Office
For chair, two (2) years; eligible for one (1) additional two (2) year term.
For members-at-large, two (2) years; eligible for one (1) additional two (2) year term.
Staff Liaison (title)
Manager, Quality and Safety
Last updated: 11/18/2024