Leadership Development Committee

Overall Purpose/Mission

Responsibility for continuing development of the LFP program to include developing and evaluating measures of success and tracking and evaluating the progress of the graduated LFPs.



1. Align all activities to support execution and achievement of the mission, vision, goals, strategic objectives and metrics of the Strategic Plan and conduct all business in accordance with the Core Values as adopted by the Board of Directors.

2. Oversee and manage the Leadership Fellows Program to include:

Developing and evaluating the measures of success for the Leadership Fellows Program including the progress of the graduated LFP Fellows within the AAOS volunteer structure.

Developing and monitoring the selection process of new LFP Fellows/Mentors.

Reporting on the status of the LFP annually to the Council on Education.

Developing and refining the LFP curriculum.

3. Serve as a resource to the needs of the AAOS regarding leadership development and mentoring issues. This includes developing new project teams and programs to address these needs.

4. Develop guidelines and pathways that could lead to successful leadership positions within the AAOS. Explore models for AAOS members to use in achieving successful participation within the AAOS.


Reporting Relationship

Council on Education




Eight (8) members-at-large to include at least three (3) past or present LFP Fellows


Term of Office

For chair, two (2) years; eligible for one (1) additional two (2) year term.

For members, two (2) year; eligible for one (1) additional two (2) year term.


Staff Liaison (title)

Program Coordinator


Last updated:5/31/06
