Humanitarian Award

The Humanitarian Award recognizes AAOS Active Fellows, Emeritus Fellows, and International members who have distinguished themselves through outstanding musculoskeletal-related humanitarian activities in the United States or abroad.

This award is presented each year at the AAOS Annual Meeting. Recipients receive a $5,000 honorarium.

Candidates for the award will be evaluated for activities that include:

  • Give of himself or herself regardless of compensation
  • Provide services without expectation of remuneration
  • Provide services to all equally, impartially, cooperatively and neutrally
  • Embrace common moral decencies such as altruism, integrity, freedom, justice, honesty, truthfulness, responsibility and compassion
  • Respect and embrace human diversity
  • Improve the lives of those in need through selfless, courageous, creative, and compassionate acts
  • Efforts to bring healthcare access to the underserved (also include humanitarian efforts organization if applicable)
  • Measurable and/or tangible impact of humanitarian activities by candidate
  • Number of patients/people impacted by candidate’s humanitarian activities

Who is Eligible?

  • Must be an AAOS Fellow, Emeritus Member or International member who has distinguished himself or herself through outstanding musculoskeletal-related humanitarian activities in the United States or abroad
  • Cannot have served on the Communications Cabinet within the three years prior to the award year
  • Must have demonstrated an exemplary and outstanding commitment to musculoskeletal-focused humanitarian activities, either domestically or abroad
  • Only one nominee may be nominated (not a joint nomination)

Who May Nominate/Sponsor?

  • Cannot be a member of the Board of Directors or the AAOS Awards Committee
  • Must be an AAOS member; Resident members are eligible to nominate candidates, as well

AAOS Awards Policy

Coleen S. Sabatini, MD, MPH, FAAOS, Receives 2025 Humanitarian Award

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The AAOS honored Coleen S. Sabatini, MD, MPH, FAAOS, with the 2025 Humanitarian Award for her exceptional dedication to caring for children with musculoskeletal conditions both domestically and abroad. A pediatric orthopaedic surgeon based at the University of California San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland in Oakland, Calif., Dr. Sabatini believes that all children should have access to high quality, safe and affordable orthopaedic care. Her work abroad has focused on pediatric orthopaedic education and capacity-building to improve access to quality care for children with musculoskeletal conditions, along with conducting research on treatment of musculoskeletal problems for children in resource-limited settings. Her efforts have had a profound impact worldwide, particularly in Uganda, where she has focused much of her work since 2013.

According to Lisa L. Lattanza, MD, FAOA, FAAOS, chair of Yale Medicine Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation, “While I admire all the work Dr. Sabatini does in the United States, Uganda and other countries, I believe her greatest contribution will be the legacy she leaves as a mentor. She has formally and informally mentored dozens of other orthopaedic surgeons, promoting her values of domestic and international care equity to the next generation. Dr. Sabatini’s career based on selflessly supporting international pediatric musculoskeletal health, addressing disparity issues in the United States, promoting those values in service of the AAOS volunteer structure.”

Previous AAOS Humanitarian Award Winners

Duane R. Anderson, MD, FAAOS
2024 Humanitarian Award Winner

Mark S. Myerson, MD, FAAOS 
2023 Humanitarian Award Winner

Keith S. Feder, MD, FAAOS 
2022 Humanitarian Award Winner

David M. Atkin, MD, FAAOS
2021 Humanitarian Award Winner

Steven J. Meyer, MD
2020 Humanitarian Award Winner

Sameer Attar, MD, FAAOS
2019 Humanitarian Award Winner

Rick D. Wilkerson, MD, FAAOS
2018 Humanitarian Award Winner

David A. Spiegel, MD, FAAOS
2017 Humanitarian Award Winner