Position Statements

AAOS Position Statements usually deal with a socio-economic issue and are designed for audiences beyond orthopaedic surgery. They are developed as educational tools based on the opinions of the authors. They are not a product of a systematic review. Readers are encouraged to consider the information presented and reach their own conclusions.

Active Statements

All-Terrain Vehicles (Revised September 2015) No. 1101
Performance Enhancing Drugs (Revised September 2012) No. 1102
Animals in Biomedical Research (Revised September 2013) No. 1103
Value Driven Use of Orthopaedic Implants (Revised December 2014)  No. 1104
Delineation of Clinical Privileges in Orthopaedic Surgery (Revised November 2024) No. 1106
The Financing of Graduate Medical Education (Revised June 2015) No. 1109
Bicyclist, Motorcycle and Passenger Safety (Revised September 2015) No. 1110
Osteoporosis/Bone Health in Adults as a National Public Health Priority (Revised October 2023) No. 1113
Prevention of Hip Fractures Due to Osteoporosis (Revised October 2023) No. 1116
Medical Liability Reform (Revised December 2020) No. 1118
Reimbursement of the First Assistant at Surgery in Orthopaedics (Revised December 2015) No. 1120
Safety Belts and Other Restraints of Motor Vehicle Occupants (Revised September 2015) No. 1121
Screening for the Early Detection of Idiopathic Scoliosis in Adolescents (Revised December 2015) No. 1122
In-Line Skating and Skateboarding Safety (Revised September 2015) No. 1127
In-Office Diagnostic Imaging Studies by Orthopaedic Surgeons (Revised February 2012)  No. 1132
Trampolines and Trampoline Safety (Revised September 2015) No. 1135
The Need for Daily Physical Activity (Revised June 2014) No. 1138
Use of Breakaway Bases in Preventing Recreational Baseball and Softball Injuries (Revised September 2015) No. 1140
Power Lawnmower Safety (Revised June 2014) No. 1142
Power Snow Thrower/Blower Safety (Revised September 2015) No. 1143
The Risks of Shoulder and Elbow Injury from Participation in Youth Baseball (Revised September 2022) No. 1145
Surgical Care of the Lower Extremities (Revised June 2012)  
Prompt Payment of Physician Claims (Revised September 2013) No. 1151
Winter Sports Safety and Helmet Use (Revised September 2015) No. 1152
Shortage of Nursing Professionals (Revised June 2009) No. 1158
Orthopaedic Care of Patients with Fragility Fractures (Revised September 2016)  No. 1159
Ambulatory Surgical Centers (Revised June 2016) No. 1161
Pharmaceutical and Device Company Direct to Consumer Advertising (Revised December 2009) No. 1162
Physician-Owned Physical Therapy Services (Revised December 2014) No. 1166
Specialty Hospitals (Revised June 2016) No. 1167
Consensus Standards for Medical Devices (Revised February 2016) No. 1169
Children and Musculoskeletal Health (Revised September 2016) No. 1170
Alignment of Physician and Facility Payment and Incentives (Revised December 2015) No. 1171
Emergency Orthopaedic Care (Revised June 2015) No. 1172
Reimbursement for Approved Category I CPT Codes (Revised December 2015) No. 1173
Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) (Revised December 2015) No. 1174
Principles of Medicare Reform and Access to Specialty Care (Revised June 2015) No. 1175
Principles of Health Care Reform  and Specialty Care (Revised June 2015) No. 1176
Physician Directed Use of Medical Products (Revised February 2016) No. 1177
Comparative Effectiveness Research (Revised June 2014) No. 1178
Health Information Technology (Health IT) (Revised February 2020) No. 1179
Use of Global Service Data (Revised December 2015) No. 1181
Shared Physician-Patient Responsibilities (Revised December 2016) No. 1182
Public Reporting of Provider Performance (Adopted February 2012) No. 1183
The Impact of Obesity on Bone and Joint Health (Adopted March 2015) No. 1184
Innovation and Novel Technologies in Orthopaedic Surgery (Revised September 2020) No. 1185
Swaddling and Developmental Hip Dysplasia (Adopted December 2015) No. 1186

Use of Emerging Biologic Therapies (Revised September 2020)

No. 1187
Principles for Musculoskeletal Based Patient Reported Outcome-Performance Measurement Development (Adopted March 2018)  No. 1188
Joint Statement on Certification, Professional Self-Regulation, and the Use of Continuing Certification (Adopted March 2019)  No. 1189 
Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy and Glenohumeral Arthritis are Unlikely to be Caused by Vaccine Administration (Revised June 2020) No. 1190
Access to Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Adopted June 2020) No. 1191

Potential Hazards of Surgical Smoke and Mitigation Approaches (Adopted August 2021)

No. 1192

Artificial Intelligence (Adopted February 2025)  No. 1193

Statements Endorsed by the AAOS


AAHKS Position Statement on Outpatient Joint Replacement (December 2018)

American College of Surgeons (ACS) Consensus Statements on Firearms Safety (June 2019)

Joint Task Force of Orthopaedic Surgeons and Podiatric Surgeons (2020)

Position Statement on Arthrodesis of the Spine by the Non-Spine Surgeon

RJOS Bullying in Orthopaedic Surgery (March 2021)

RJOS Pregnancy and Parental Responsibility Position Statement (December 2018)

The Forum Creating a Safe Environment for Competitive Athletes (September 2019)


Retired Statements

Credentialing in the Use of Specialized Instrumentation in Orthopaedics (Retired December 2008) No. 1105
Fee "Unbundling" and Uniform Definitions for Surgical Procedures (Retired September 2013) No. 1108
Improving America's Trauma Care System (Retired June 2008) No. 1111
Medicare Payments to New Physicians (Retired December 2007) No. 1112
Physician DRGs (Retired December 2007) No. 1114
Principles of Medicare Reform (Retired June 2008) No. 1115
Sports and Recreational Programs for Physically Disabled People (Retired December 2008) No. 1123
The Use of Knee Braces (Retired December 2008) No. 1124
The Scope of Orthopaedic Practice in Managed Care Arrangements (Retired December 2007) No. 1125
Twenty-four Hour Coverage Concept (Retired June 2008) No. 1126
Medicare Joint Replacement Demonstration Project (Retired December 2007) No. 1128
Medical Savings Accounts (Retired June 2008) No. 1129
Relationships Between Health Care Plans & Trauma Systems (Retired June 2015) No. 1130
Medical & Surgical Procedure Patents (Retired December 2007) No. 1131
Banning Antipersonnel Land Mines (Retired December 2008) No. 1133
Firearms Violence (Retired September 2010) No. 1134
Managed Care in Workers Compensation (Retired June 2008) No. 1136
Sledding Safety (Retired September 2010 and replaced by Statement 1152 - Winter Sports Safety and Helmet Use) No. 1137
Health Care Coverage for Children At Risk (Retired June 2008) No. 1141
Hip Fracture in Seniors: A Call for Health System Reform(Retired June 2014) No. 1144
Telemedicine, Computers and the Internet (Retired June 2008) No. 1146
Health Care Plan Accountability (Retired December 2007) No. 1147
Medical Errors/Patient Safety Reporting System (Retired June 2020) No. 1149
Early Return to Work Programs (Retired June 2011) No. 1150
The Effects of Tobacco Exposure on the Musculoskeletal System (Retired February 2016 and replaced by Information Statement 1047 - Tobacco Use and Orthopaedic Surgery)  No. 1153
Prescription Drug Coverage Under Medicare (Retired September 2013) No. 1154
Reprocessed Single Use Devices (Retired June 2006) No. 1155
Family Violence (Retired February 2007) No. 1156
Emergency Department On-Call Coverage (Retired December 2007) No. 1157
Limiting Residents' Duty Hours (Retired December 2014) No. 1160
Evidence-Based Guidelines (Retired June 2011) No. 1163
Training for New Technologies (Retired June 2011) No. 1164
Defining Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Workplace (Retired June 2011) No. 1165
Injuries from Skateboarding (Retired September 2010 and replaced by Statement 1127 - Injuries from In-Line Skating and Skateboarding) No. 1168
Principles for Physician Payment Reform(Retired June 2016) No. 1180