Help Identify Our Future Leaders
The AAOS Nominating Committee is determined to cast a “wide net” for potential leaders. AAOS Fellows are encouraged to submit recommendations for a number of leadership positions. Nominations are currently open and will close on August 9, 2024. Please submit your nominations electronically at Submit Your Nominations.
Following are the open positions, along with an abbreviated description of responsibilities, desired experience, and time commitments:
Second Vice President (succeeds to 1st Vice President, President, and Past President)
- Sustained record of leadership in Orthopaedic Surgery
- Leadership positions on the AAOS Board of Directors, Councils, Committees or similar experience in the Board of Councilors (BOC), Board of Specialty Societies (BOS), orthopaedic specialty societies, or state/regional orthopaedic societies
- Required understanding of the AAOS governance structure
- Required participation at all meetings of the AAOS Board of Directors and the Combined National Orthopaedic Leadership Conference (NOLC)/Fall Meeting
- Participation in Executive Committee of the Board of Directors Meetings
- Participation in assigned AAOS committees and Project Teams
- Adherence to Roles and Responsibilities of Members of the Board of Directors
- Time commitment up to 180 days a year
- 4-year commitment
Nominees to the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS)
[ABOS usually selects one Board Member from the six nominees recommended by AAOS]
- Required attendance at ABOS meetings
- Commitment of approximately 20 – 25 days a year
- 7 to 10-year commitment
- Desired subspecialties: TBD
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