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Sponsor a Registry

Showcase your commitment to cutting-edge research and gain visibility within the medical community by sponsoring an AAOS Registry.

  • Market Research: Leverage insights to inform your strategies 
  • Academic Collaboration: Generate data for impactful publications 
  • Safety: Receive comprehensive data insights that help monitor device performance and patient outcomes, driving evidence-based improvements.
  • Post-market surveillance: Get detailed, real-world data to track device performance and ensure patient safety over time.
  • Regulatory submission: Provide valuable data that can assist orthopedic device manufacturers with regulatory submissions by supporting evidence-based approvals and compliance.

Our Registries

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4.6+ Million Procedures

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1600+ Participating Facilities


3.9+ Million Patients


13,000+ Surgeons

More Resources


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* While the AAOS Registries provide valuable data, they cannot guarantee the acceptance of this data for regulatory submissions or approvals by governing agencies.