AAOS Now, December 2015
Capturing Outcomes in Clinical Practice
Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) are an increasingly important aspect of the healthcare landscape. As the emphasis shifts from volume to value, PROs are seen as critical tools that can help providers assess and improve their treatment strategies.
Making an Impact on Patient Outcomes
When she was in medical school, Carol A. Lin, MD, MA, wasn't interested in orthopaedics. She thought cardiac or pediatric surgery would have a greater impact on patients' lives. But that was before she met a 7-year-old girl from Malawi. Dr. Lin spent a year in the impoverished African country as a pediatric nutrition researcher. What really struck her were the vast number of untreated orthopaedic problems she saw among the Malawians.
A Bone of Contention: Female Athlete Triad vs. RED-S
In early 2014, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) published a consensus statement that introduced the term "Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport" (RED-S) to describe what is currently called the Female Athlete Triad. The IOC authors intended for RED-S to be a more comprehensive, broader definition, which includes the Female Athlete Triad. Since then, the two terms have come under scrutiny and reassessment.
AJRR Launches Patient-reported Outcome Platform
The American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR) launched its Level III patient-reported outcome (PRO) platform at the 2015 American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons annual meeting last month. AJRR now provides participating hospitals with the ability to submit Level III PRO data. A PRO is defined as any information on the outcomes of health care obtained directly from patients without modification by clinicians or other healthcare professionals.
ORS Sets Strategic Direction for the Future
Job applicants are frequently asked, "Where do you want to be in 5 years?" Although that question may be easily answered by a young resident or researcher, it can be challenging for an organization that recently celebrated its 60th anniversary. During a 2-day meeting held at the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) business office last April, the ORS Board of Directors, several invited guests, and ORS staff faced the issue head-on.
A (Sacroiliac) Joint Effort
When the Spine Intervention Society (SIS) embarked on the development of Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) on the diagnosis and treatment of disease and pain in the sacroiliac joint (SIJ), it engaged in a collaborative effort with several other medical societies, including the Academy.
AAOS Hosts Orthopaedic Quality Institute
On Nov. 19–20, the AAOS hosted its fifth annual Orthopaedic Quality Institute (OQI) in Washington, D.C. Organized by Council on Research and Quality Chair and Council on Advocacy Chair Thomas C. Barber, MD, the 2015 OQI focused on "Patient-Reported Outcomes in Orthopaedics."