AAOS Now, January 2017
The 2017 AAOS Annual Meeting … Focused on You
San Diego offers more than just sunny weather, Sea World, stunning views, and great food. AAOS will bring to this beautiful city leaders in orthopaedics with unparalleled knowledge during the 2017 AAOS Annual Meeting, to be held March 14 - 18. A wealth of opportunities awaits you, with many options that make it easier than ever before to focus your time and energy to best meet your professional and educational needs.
Lessons in Saying "No"
James Altucher, entrepreneur and chess master Although saying "no" rarely feels like a great option, many of us forget that it is an option. As orthopaedic surgeons, we are constantly asked to "volunteer" for a committee or to cover an on-call day for a colleague. And because we know that someday we may be asking a colleague to serve with us or to cover our on-call day, we almost always say "yes." Yet the many demands in our lives make it impossible for us to always acquiesce.
ICLs Provide Instruction You Can Use
Instructional Course Lectures (ICLs) at the AAOS Annual Meeting provide expert clinical instruction attendees can take home and put to use. The selections for the 2017 Annual Meeting are expansive, with a vast array of educational offerings and 35.5 continuing medical education (CME) credits available to be earned, said chair of the Central Instructional Courses Committee.