AAOS Now, February 2016
Make Advocacy a Part of Your Annual Meeting Experience
Are you interested in advocacy? If not, you should be. Now more than ever, many legislative issues central to orthopaedic practice and the orthopaedic profession as a whole are at stake. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or advocacy novice, plan to take advantage of the following opportunities at the 2016 Annual Meeting in Orlando next month.
The Case for a Dedicated Orthopaedic Skills Month during PGY-1
In 2013, sweeping changes were implemented for the PGY-1 (intern) year for categorical orthopaedic surgery residents. These changes reflected mandates from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS). The most noticeable changes included: (1) a change from 3 to 6 months of mandatory orthopaedic surgery rotations and (2) a mandatory surgical skills curriculum during the intern year.
AAOS Spans the Globe
Over a span of 8 weeks in the fall of 2015, AAOS held six programs on four different continents, reaching an estimated 2,300 international surgeons. The AAOS International Committee, chaired by William B. Stetson, MD, selected the programs from a competitive set of proposals submitted by international orthopaedic societies.