AAOS Now, March 2019
How to Avoid Common Mistakes When Coding Hand Procedures
Billing for hand procedures is among the most complex types of orthopaedic coding. Here, we highlight eight frequently encountered errors when coding hand procedures and how to fix them. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) includes references to specific locations in the forearm, wrist, hand, and fingers for reporting flexor and extensor tendon repair codes. Codes are selected based on the location of the repair, not the site of tendon insertion.
Do Your Cybersecurity Policies Need a Checkup?
When was the last time you reviewed your cybersecurity policies? If you can’t recall, you’re overdue. Such policies are critical for protecting patient and other sensitive data in your network and reducing the risk of breaches that can cause reputational harm, costly recovery, and patient disclosure activities. Recently, I spoke with Michael J.
Institutional Approach Combats Physician Burnout and Promotes Wellness
Most orthopaedic surgeons went to medical school to take care of patients and advance the science of medicine. Those altruistic goals serve as a path to personal fulfillment. However, an increasing number of physicians are frustrated with the practice of medicine, given the pressures to meet what often seem to be unrealistic expectations from patients.
Are You Ready to Change Your Practice?
Are you thinking about tapering back your surgical practice or retiring from surgery altogether? Are you tired of the electronic medical records (EMRs), insurance denials, and constant administrative changes? Do you worry about malpractice exposure, despite practicing a good standard of medicine? Does the adrenaline no longer surge when you are performing emergency cases?