AAOS Now, January 2017
Wrong-Side Procedure in the Modern Era
Bob MacArthur reached out to me with a compelling story of medical error. People often wonder how a wrong-side procedure can occur in the era of Universal Protocol and two decades of "operate through your initials"/"sign your site." This story will demonstrate how. It's a real lesson in the importance of a culture of safety. Bob and I hope that you will learn from this experience. On Feb.
Lessons in Saying "No"
James Altucher, entrepreneur and chess master Although saying "no" rarely feels like a great option, many of us forget that it is an option. As orthopaedic surgeons, we are constantly asked to "volunteer" for a committee or to cover an on-call day for a colleague. And because we know that someday we may be asking a colleague to serve with us or to cover our on-call day, we almost always say "yes." Yet the many demands in our lives make it impossible for us to always acquiesce.