AAOS Now, September 2010
Medical loss ratios… has the bar been set?
It has been nearly 6 months since President Barack Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Although many of the proposed healthcare changes are still several years away from being implemented, some provisions affecting health insurers are having an impact, including the requirement on medical loss ratios (MLR).
More than just a uniform: A resident’s perspective on military service
At any given time, 140 practicing orthopaedic surgeons are serving in the U.S. military, with another 110 who are undergoing residency and fellowship training, and numerous veteran alumni. Military faculty and residents are active members of both general and specialty orthopaedic associations, and many are involved in leadership and scholarship at all levels. The military resident is both an officer and an orthopaedic surgeon.
The impact of healthcare reform on orthopaedic surgeons
Expect transformational changes as provisions are enacted On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed into law one of the most comprehensive healthcare reform bills ever enacted, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The PPACA will likely result in significant changes to the American health care system, in particular for most healthcare providers.
The “Why me?” syndrome
By Scott Scutchfield, MD If not you, who? If not now, when? Recently, when I asked a fellow faculty member for a contribution to support a local candidate for Congress, he responded, “Why me?” Why indeed should physicians get involved in supporting congressional candidates or in running for office themselves?
Second Look—Advocacy
If you missed these Headline News Now items the first time around, AAOS Now gives you a second chance to review them. Headline News Now—the AAOS thrice-weekly, online update of news of interest to orthopaedic surgeons—brings you the latest on clinical, socioeconomic, and political issues, as well as important announcements from AAOS. Harvard limits faculty/industry interactions The Boston Globe reported that, beginning Jan.