AAOS Now, May 2017
The Future of Orthopaedic Practice in America
During the 2017 Annual Meeting symposium, "American Orthopaedic Practice: Where Are We Headed" introduced by Immediate Past-President Gerald R. Williams Jr, MD, experts examined the evolving state of health care in the United States, including efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and newer payment models. According to Thomas C. Barber, MD, the ACA included a number of basic insurance reforms as well as innovation, mandates, subsidies, and taxes.
Are New Requirements Coming for DME Providers?
On Jan. 12, 2017, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a proposed rule (Establishment of Special Payment Provisions and Requirements for Qualified Practitioners and Qualified Suppliers of Prosthetics and Custom Fabricated Orthotics [CMS-6012-P]) to establish qualifications that providers and suppliers must meet to furnish, fabricate, or bill for custom-fabricated orthotics under Medicare.
Second Look – Advocacy
These items originally appeared in AAOS Headline News Now, a thrice-weekly enewsletter that keeps AAOS members up to date on clinical, socioeconomic, and political issues, with links to more detailed information. Subscribe at www.aaos.org/news/news.