AAOS Now, April 2017
Joe Heck Talks Importance of Political Advocacy at PAC Luncheon
With Congress in the middle of a heated debate on how to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), former U.S. Rep. Joseph Heck, DO (R-Nev.), addressed members of the Orthopaedic Political Action Committee (PAC) at the PAC luncheon during the AAOS Annual Meeting last month in San Diego.
Second Look — Advocacy
These items originally appeared in AAOS Headline News Now, a thrice-weekly enewsletter that keeps AAOS members up to date on clinical, socioeconomic, and political issues, with links to more detailed information. Subscribe at www.aaos.org/news/news.asp (member login required) Medscape reports that a bill approved by the House Judiciary committee and now under consideration in the U.S.