AAOS Now, July 2011
Specialists have a role in Medicare shared savings programs
ACO model needs better definition of specialists’ role Earlier this year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a proposed rule on accountable care organizations (ACOs), entities established under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice (FTC-DOJ) also released proposed guidelines on the antitrust enforcement policy regarding ACOs participating in the Medicare shared savings program.
Preparing the next generation of physician political candidates
AAOS sponsors workshop for physicians interested in running for political office The 2010 elections sent 20 physicians to Congress, and many more doctors were elected to state and local office. The increased emphasis and ongoing discussions on health insurance reform, the physician payment system, a potential Medicare overhaul, and other healthcare challenges are attracting more physicians—including orthopaedic surgeons—to political life.
Residents have multiple opportunities for involvement in orthopaedics
Be the voice they want to hear Orthopaedics is providing residents more opportunities for professional development, as the AAOS and other societies enable more residents to take active roles in their organizations, including specifying resident positions on committees and councils.
The demand for orthopaedic care: What orthopaedic surgeons need to know
Health care is a major driver of the U.S. economy, accounting for nearly 20 percent of the national gross domestic product. Yet, 47 million Americans lack health insurance and do not participate in the healthcare system, in part due to the cost of care. With its push toward universal healthcare coverage, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) will dramatically reshape the structure of the American healthcare landscape.
Second Look—Advocacy
If you missed these Headline News Now items the first time around, AAOS Now gives you a second chance to review them. Headline News Now—the AAOS thrice-weekly, online update of news of interest to orthopaedic surgeons—brings you the latest on clinical, socioeconomic, and political issues, as well as important announcements from AAOS. Support for IPAB falters According to Politico.com, support for the creation of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is decreasing.