Scan the QR code to fill out the Examination Item Writer Interest Form to get started on becoming a question writer for AAOS examinations.


Published 2/12/2024

Is Examination Development One of Your Superpowers?

Have you ever taken an exam from the AAOS Examinations Collection—an Orthopaedic Special Interest Examination, Orthopaedic Knowledge Update® examination, or Orthopaedic In-Training Examination®—and thought, “I could write questions for this exam!” You could create compelling and informative questions for these exams, but how?

Your first thought may be to find out about serving on the Examinations and Assessments and Education Committee, but you may feel you do not have the bandwidth to serve full time on a committee. Or maybe you are not sure what it would take to write exam questions. Perhaps you are just looking for a meaningful volunteer opportunity to pay it forward and contribute to the skillset of your colleagues and the advancement of your profession.

Whatever your situation, AAOS needs you! AAOS is looking for outstanding orthopaedic surgeons to be subject-matter experts for AAOS exams. You can apply your expertise in your area of interest, help advance orthopaedic learning, and become an examination item writer for the Academy.

The Academy’s Assessments and Examinations team has developed an item-writer program to teach you how to share your knowledge with the orthopaedic community on your own schedule and on your terms. As an item writer, you will be acknowledged in the exam’s front matter, expand your professional network, get a sense of what serving on a committee would be like, and more.

Examinations are an important tool in learning at all orthopaedic career stages. Share your expertise by scanning the QR code to indicate your area of interest. For more details on the program, contact the Assessments and Examinations team at

Visit the Assessments and Examinations team, available from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday, at the AAOS Learning and Practice Store in South, Esplanade Lobby.