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Published September 29, 2023

Bipolar Pedicled Latissimus Dorsi Flap for Soft Tissue Coverage and Restoration of Elbow Function

Bipolar latissimus dorsi transfer has been considered a viable option for restoration of elbow flexion in patients with large traumatic defects of the anterior arm compartment. Advantages of bipolar transfer of the latissimus include stabilization of the anterior shoulder joint in addition to recreating the biceps for a direct line of pull in restoring elbow flexion with minimal donor site morbidity. Previous literature in bipolar latissimus transfer has demonstrated good outcomes in elbow flexion against gravity, range of motion and patient satisfaction. We present a step-by-step demonstration of a bipolar pedicled latissimus dorsi transfer for restoration of elbow function and soft tissue coverage for large traumatic defects to the anterior compartment of the arm.