Published August 25, 2021

The Metaizeau Technique for Management of Displaced Radial Neck Fractures


Radial neck fractures are common pediatric elbow injuries that require accurate management to preserve elbow motion and function. Many techniques are available for closed reduction and immobilization versus surgical fracture fixation. The goal of this video is to outline the Metaizeau technique, which is a common percutaneous method used to manage displaced pediatric radial neck fractures without the risks and complications associated with an open approach to the proximal radius.


The case presentation of a 9-year-old girl with a radial neck fracture displaced almost 80° is discussed. After unsuccessful closed reduction, the patient underwent surgical treatment via the Metaizeau technique. Postoperatively, the patient's arm was immobilized in a long arm cast for 2 weeks, after which she was transitioned to a hinged elbow brace.


At a follow-up of 6 weeks, the patient had increased range of motion, decreased pain, and maintenance of reduction and of the radiographic displacement angle. The patient had pain-free range of motion and was able to discontinue use of the elbow brace. Occupational therapy was prescribed to improve active range of motion.


The Metaizeau technique may be an effective and safe treatment option for the management of displaced pediatric radial neck fractures. This video demonstrates the key steps and considerations for the technique.