Frequently Asked Questions

Additional information to help you plan for the AAOS 2025 Annual Meeting, March 10-14 in San Diego, California, will be shared as it becomes available. Check back for future updates!

FAQ - General
Meeting Dates: Monday, March 10 – Friday, March 14
Exhibit Dates: Tuesday, March 11 – Thursday, March 13
San Diego Convention Center
111 W Harbor Dr
San Diego, California 92101 -
For the 2025 Annual Meeting, Specialty Society Programs will be held on Friday, March 14.
The 2025 Annual Meeting Mobile App is available for free download from the App Store or Google Play. It is the go-to resource for planning your customized experience. You can choose your ideal learning path by adding education programs, Exhibit Hall activities, and must-see exhibitors to your custom agenda.
The 2025 Annual Meeting Mobile App is available now for download. Visit the mobile app webpage to get started.
AAOS members receive one complimentary Family Badge that may be used by a spouse, significant other, or immediate family member (not an active medical professional). You may pre-register a family member during online registration or on-site. All Family Badge recipients must be accompanied by the registered AAOS member and present an ID to receive a Family Badge.
Family Badge attendees 16 years and older have access to the following:
- OrthoLive
- Industry Exhibits
- Your Academy/Guest Speaker
Family Badge attendees under 16 have access to OrthoLive only, providing they are not disruptive to surrounding activities.
Please note: Family Badge attendees will not have access to any educational sessions or events.
Annual Meeting attendees can earn up to 23 AMA PRA Category CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. More information on Annual Meeting activities that are eligible for CME credit can be found at CME Details.
International Physicians: The AMA has determined that physicians not licensed in the United States but who participate in this CME activity are eligible for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.
Allied Health Professionals: The AAOS is not accredited to offer credit for nurses and other Allied Health Professionals. To determine if activities offering AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ are acceptable for your licensing or certification needs please contact the relevant organizations directly.
Make the most of your Annual Meeting experience and save up to $400 when you add OnDemand to your AAOS 2025 registration!
AAOS 2025 Annual Meeting OnDemand is an online library with hundreds of hours of educational content from the 2025 meeting instructional course lectures, symposia, and paper sessions. Revisit sessions you attended and participate in those you missed anytime, anywhere. Plus, earn up to 100 CME credits. Content will not be live-streamed during the meeting.
AAOS will consider the requests of persons with disabilities for reasonable modifications of policies, practices and procedures or for auxiliary aids and services where necessary to provide access to AAOS facilities, events, services and products. AAOS encourages that such requests be made during the registration process or as soon as possible to enhance AAOS' ability to accommodate the requests. Please submit all requestes for the AAOS 2025 Annual Meeting here by February 28, 2025. For on-site requests, visit the Academy Headquarters Office, Room 23BC.
Discover Future Annual Meeting dates and locations.
FAQ - Registration
Member and Non-Member Registration opens November 13, 2024.
You can view the 2025 Annual Meeting Registration Rates for member and non-member rates and course rates.
Members and Returning Non-Member Orthopaedic Professionals can begin registering online on November 13, 2024. You will need your Member ID and password to login. Please email if you have forgotten your login information.
Medical Students enrolled in an Accredited Medical School in the U.S. or Canada can now be Members of AAOS. Membership is free to all medical students for the duration that they are enrolled in medical school. The benefits are valued at over $2,500 and include access to exclusive offerings like our Medical Student Roadmap, Medical Student Forums, and, most importantly for this group, the Medical Student Program at the Annual Meeting.
If you are a medical student that is planning on attending the meeting, please make sure that you sign up for AAOS Membership prior to registering, as this is a new requirement for attendance. Please also note that the Medical Student Program is available on a first-come, first-served basis, and early registration to the meeting and program is encouraged as the event is likely to reach capacity quickly.
If this is your first time attending the AAOS Annual Meeting, you must request approval to attend. Fill out the Request Approval to Attend Form. You will receive a response in 24-48 hours with additional instructions. Check out our first-time attendee resources for tips and information that will help you make the most of your first AAOS Annual Meeting experience.
AAOS 2025 OnDemand is an online library with hundreds of hours of educational content from the 2025 meeting instructional course lectures, symposia, and paper sessions. Revisit sessions you attended and participate in those you missed anytime, anywhere. Plus, earn up to 100 CME credits. Content will not be live-streamed during the meeting.
International attendees that require visas to travel to the United States can request an invitation letter from AAOS. This letter does not guarantee that visas will be approved but can be presented with your visa application process and may be required by the U.S. consulate in some countries. Submit your request for the official AAOS Invitation Letter.
The key contact person for your group will be required to have login information to manage all the registrants within your group. Please visit the registration page, click on the “Member and Non-member- Register Now” button, then the Group Registration button. Follow the instructions to continue.
Badges will not be mailed. Attendees must present an electronic or printed copy of their registration confirmation at a check-in counter to receive their badge. A badge is required for entry to the Exhibit Hall, AAOS sessions, Annual Meeting events and Specialty Society Programs.
Course tickets can be purchased during registration or added later, depending on availability. Beginning in January 2025, you can add a course ticket to an existing registration via the Annual Meeting Mobile App.
All purchased sessions will be programmed to your attendee badge and the QR code will be scanned at the session room door to gain entry. This is not related to your CME credits.
Main registration is located at the San Diego Convention Center in Hall D Lobby, with an additional check-in only location in Hall A Lobby.
Hours of Operation:
- Sunday: 2–5 p.m.
- Monday–Thursday: 7 a.m.–5 p.m.
- Friday: 6:30–11:30 a.m.
Hotel Satellite Check-in is available in the following locations:
- Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina (333 W. Harbor Dr., San Diego, California 92101)
- Hilton Bayfront (1 Park Boulevard, San Diego, California 92101)
Hours of Operation:
- Sunday: 2–5 p.m.
- Monday: 7 a.m.–5 p.m.
Refunds for course purchases and registration fees are available until January 31, 2025. Please submit your request in writing to
AAOS members receive one complimentary family badge that may be used by a spouse, significant other, or immediate family member (not an active medical professional). You may pre-register a family member during online registration or on-site. All Family Badge recipients must be accompanied by the registered AAOS member and present an ID to receive a family badge. Family Badge attendees 16 years and older have access to the following:
- OrthoLive
- Industry Exhibits
- Your Academy/Guest Speaker
Family Badge attendees under 16 have access to OrthoLive, providing they are not disruptive to surrounding activities.
Please note: Family Badge attendees will not have access to any educational sessions or events.
Visit our Attendee Resources page to learn more details about the 2025 Annual Meeting.
Visit our Attendee Policies page to learn more.
FAQ - Education
Annual Meeting handouts become available at the start of the Annual Meeting and are available via the AAOS Annual Meeting Mobile App.
In order to access handouts, you must have the Annual Meeting Mobile App installed on your device and be logged in to your account. Use your AAOS username and password to login. For more information about installing the app, view the Annual Meeting Mobile App page.
Once you have logged into the app and navigated to a session, follow the steps below to download handouts. Please note: For ticketed sessions, you must have purchased the session in order to view handouts. Some ticketed sessions do not provide handouts. If a ticketed ICL does not provide a handout, this will be noted in the session description.
Android handout download instructions:
- Click on ‘See Session Handout’ link
- Click on cover of handout
- Tap screen and in the upper right corner a small black box with a white arrow will appear, click it
- Open PDF (or you may also have the option of emailing it to yourself)
- You will see a small printer icon and a small upload icon along the top right of the screen
- You are now able to download the handout (or you may be given the option to send handout to a printer)
iPhone handout download instructions:
- Click on ‘See Session Handout’ link
- Long press on Handout Preview
- Click on “open link”
- Will open in default browser
- Click “Share”
- Save to your device
Please note that instructions may vary depending on your device settings.
U.S. Physicians: The AAOS designates this live activity for 23 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
International Physicians: The AMA has determined that physicians not licensed in the United States but who participate in this CME activity are eligible for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Allied Health Professionals: The AAOS is not accredited to offer credit for nurses and other Allied Health Professionals. To determine if activities offering AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM are acceptable for your licensing or certification needs, please contact the relevant organizations directly.
CME credit is awarded based on your check-in date. Please make sure you check in at the time of your arrival at the meeting. Claiming CME credit is based on the honor system. 1 CME = 1 hour of education. Only claim the number of CME’s/hours that you attended for education. Credits can be claimed online at starting approximately 2 weeks after the meeting. You must claim your CME’s for them to appear on your member transcript.
Applications for the 2026 Annual Meeting will open on April 1, 2025.
Please email us at:
FAQ - Exhibitors
The AAOS 2025 Annual Meeting takes place Monday–Friday, March 10–14, 2025, in San Diego, California, at the San Diego Convention Center. The address is 111 Harbor Dr., San Diego, CA 92101. Exhibit dates are Tuesday–Thursday, March 11–13, 2025.
Tuesday, March 11 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 12 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday, March 13 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. -
All exhibit space costs $40 per square foot. There is a $200 corner fee added on for each open corner on a linear booth (10' x 10', 10' x 20', 10' x 30'). The corner fee does not apply to island booths (20' x 20' and larger).
Apply by submitting an application for exhibit space along with a 50% deposit of the booth fee by June 27, 2024 to be included in the initial round of space assignments. Payment can be made by credit card, check, or wire transfer. Credit card payments will be assessed a non-refundable 2.5% credit card surcharge. An application is not considered as "received" until the 50% deposit has been received by AAOS.
If your company has never exhibited at AAOS, you must first complete the Company Review Process before you can apply to exhibit. This process is a one-time requirement and does not need to be repeated in subsequent years. Learn more about the Company Review Process here.
All applications for exhibit space received prior to June 27, 2024 will be assigned in priority point order. All exhibit space applications received after June 27, 2024 will be assigned on a first-come first-serve basis.
Full booth payment is due on Oct. 17, 2024.
Installation of exhibit booths will begin at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, March 5. A Target Move-In schedule will be utilized for the installation of exhibits and is based on an exhibitor’s booth size and location. Each exhibitor is assigned a target move-in date and time. This information can be found in the Exhibit Service Manual beginning October 24, 2024.
Dismantling of exhibit booths will start on Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 3:00 PM. All exhibits must be dismantled and packed with an outbound bill of lading presented to the Exhibitor Service Center by Saturday, March 15, 2025, at 2:00 PM.
All cancellation requests must be made in writing. Send an e-mail to Requests to cancel or downsize exhibit space may incur a cancellation fee based on the date the request has been received by AAOS.
Through June 27, 2024 Full refund of fees paid June 28–Oct. 17, 2024 AAOS retains 50% of exhibit space fees Oct. 18, 2024 and after AAOS retains 100% of exhibit space fees -
The health and safety of our attendees, exhibitors, partners, vendors, and staff is AAOS' highest priority. AAOS is currently working with the San Diego Convention Center to ensure that the AAOS 2025 Annual Meeting complies with all of California's requirements.
Exhibitors will receive five complimentary badges per 100 square feet of exhibit space purchased. No additional badges over the allotment will be provided or sold. Review the exhibitor badge guidelines for more details.
There will be no additional badges provided or sold over an exhibitor’s allotment. This limit was requested by our membership in an effort to limit the total number of exhibitor representatives that may be on the exhibit hall floor at any one time.
However, we do offer exhibitors the option to exchange their badges at no cost. Badge exchanges can be facilitated online or onsite at an Exhibitor Registration counter. If the original badge has been printed, it must be presented onsite at exhibitor registration to complete the exchange for the new badge.
An exhibitor badge allows admittance to the exhibit halls, and if space permits, poster presentations, symposia, and paper presentations. Any ticketed session, like an instructional course, must be purchased onsite at Attendee Registration Ticket Sales kiosks on the day of the course, depending on availability. CME credit will not be awarded to those with exhibitor badges.
By Mail (Available to exhibitors with a US address only)
Jan. 22, 2025: Deadline to register badges to be mailed. Badges will be mailed on Feb. 4, 2025, to the designated company contact
Any exhibitor with an international address must pick up their badge onsite.
If you wish to only have a select number of badges mailed, simply register those individuals before Jan. 22, 2025, and return on or after Feb. 4, 2025, to register your remaining booth staff.
Pick-Up by Designated Contact Onsite
- All the badges within a company's allotment can be picked up onsite at Exhibitor Registration by the primary contact. It is the responsibility of the primary contact to distribute these badges.
Express Badge Pick-Up Onsite
- Express Badge Pick-up allows each individual booth personnel to pick up their own badge onsite at Exhibitor Registration by scanning a barcode or searching by last name.
- During the registration process provide the email address of each individual being registered and a confirmation with a barcode will be sent on March 4, 2025.
- If you wish to distribute/forward these confirmations to your booth personnel, provide your email address for each individual and on March 4, 2025, the confirmation with the barcode for those individuals will be sent to your email address.
The main contact does not need to be changed. Any registered company representative with a photo ID can pick up the badges. They will also need to provide an onsite phone number, which will be shared with any company representatives who visit the Exhibitor Registration after the badges are collected.
Exhibitor Registration will be in the Hall D Lobby of the ground-level of The San Diego Convention Center, 111 Harbor Dr., San Diego, CA 92101.
All name changes or badge exchanges are complimentary and can be completed online. To make a change:
- Visit the Exhibitor Resource Center
- Select Badge Registration Tile
- Navigate to the Home/Register Staff page
- Under Booth Staff Roster at the bottom of the page, find the individual and select the trash can icon to remove them
- Select the Add New Booth Personnel button to add the new individual
For any name change/correction made to a badge already printed, it must be presented onsite at exhibitor registration to complete the exchange for the new badge. Booth personnel exchanging a badge onsite will be required to show proof of affiliation with the exhibiting company (business card, etc.) and a photo ID.
For any name change/correction made to a badge already printed, the original badge must be presented onsite at Exhibitor Registration to complete the exchange for the new badge. Booth personnel exchanging a badge onsite will be required to show proof of affiliation with the exhibiting company (business card, etc.) and a photo ID.
Hotel rooms must be reserved through our housing vendor, onPeak.
Below is the breakdown of when Exhibitor Housing will become available:
- Tier 1 (800 sq ft and up) - July 9, 2024
- Tier 2 (400 - 600 sq ft) - July 16, 2024
- Tier 3 (300 and under sq ft) - July 24, 2024
- Open to all exhibitors - Aug. 22, 2024
Details regarding exhibitor hotel guidelines, list and map of hotels, and important dates can be found on the Exhibitor Housing page.
AAOS has designated onPeak as the ONLY official housing and registration provider for the 2025 Annual Meeting. Any other agency attempting to present themselves as an official partner of AAOS is doing so fraudulently. Use of any other agency or booking through a hotel directly may result in a loss of priority points for the 2026 Annual Meeting.
International exhibitors that require visas to travel to the United States can request invitation letters from AAOS. These letters do not guarantee that visas will be approved, but can be presented with your visa application process and may be required by the U.S. consulate in some countries. Click here to request an official AAOS invitation letter.
Linear booths: 8 feet in the rear half of the booth, 4 feet high within 5 feet of the front aisle. Hanging signs and/or lights are not permitted.
Island booths: 25 feet measured from the floor up to the top of the hanging sign. Lighting and truss may be hung above this height but are not allowed to extend beyond the perimeter of the booth space.
Hanging signs/banners are only available for island booths and may not exceed the perimeter of the assigned booth space. The suspended height limit for signs is 25 feet when measured from the floor up to the top of the sign. Linear booths are not permitted to hang signs or lighting.
Hanging signs must be received at the warehouse by February 24, 2025, using the “Hanging Sign” shipping label that will be included in the Exhibitor Service Manual to avoid additional fees. The first day hanging signs will be accepted at the advance warehouse is February 4, 2025.
General Services Contractor (A/V, Flooring, Furniture, Graphics, Labor, Utilities, etc.)
Phone: 888-508-5054
Email: exhibitorsupport@freeman.comBadges/Registration
Convention Data Services (CDS)
Phone: 508-743-8504
Email: AAOSMeeting@xpressreg.netCatering
Sodexo Live!
Phone: 619-525-5818
Email: mary.forney@visitsandiego.comExhibitor Online Listing
Map Your Show (MYS)
Phone: 888-527-8823
Email: help@mapyourshow.comExternal/Citywide Advertising/Sponsorships
EMC Outdoor & Events
Phone: 610-355-4450
Email: sch@emcoutdoor.comFlorist
Floral Exhibits, Ltd.
Phone: 773-277-1888
Email: info@floralexhibits.comFreight - Air/Van Line
Phone: (800)543-5484
Email: sales@elitexpo.comFreight - International/Customs Broker
DSV - Agility Fairs and Events Logistics LLC
Phone: (941) 861-8930
Email: rick.blumberg@dsv.comHousing/Travel
Phone: (800) 631-9079
Int'l: (312) 527-7300
Email: aaos@onpeak.comExhibitor Insurance
Phone: (866) 836-9066
Email: info@exhibitorinsurance.comInternet & Telecommunications
Smart CityLead Retrieval
Convention Data Services (CDS)
Phone: (800)746-9734
Int'l: (508)743-0197
Email: XPressLeadPro@cdsreg.comPhotographer
Med Meeting Images
Phone: (612)226-5154
Email: -
The Exhibitor Service Manual has been designed to make your planning and participation in AAOS 2025 as easy as possible. The Exhibitor Service Manual is your source for ordering all of your exhibit services, including booth furnishings, electrical, A/V, carpet, lead retrieval, floral, photography, internet, catering, photograpy, and shipping details.
Our official air/van freight vendor is ELITeXPO. However, you may use any shipping company of your choice. You can find information about shipping with ELITeXPO, shipping labels, and international freight/customs information in the Exhibitor Service Manual.
A great place to start is with your complimentary exhibitor listing. Attendees use the online exhibitor directory, floorplan and MyAcademy App to learn about products and services offered by exhibitors. To update your listing, login to the Exhibitor Resource Center.
In addition, AAOS offers a wide range of promotional and advertising opportunities to suit any exhibitor's budget and goals. Take time now to carefully review this array of opportunities to maximize your company's visibility and exhibit investment. In addition, AAOS welcomes the opportunity to develop customized opportunities with you.
AAOS offers five types of surgeon engagement opportunities to exhibiting companies. Fees for each type of opportunity vary, and time slots are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. They include:
- Bioskills Workshops
- Industry Lunch and Learn Sessions
- Breakthroughs and Beverages Sessions
- Innovation Theater Presentations
- Satellite Educational Events
Attendee lists are available for purchase only by exhibiting companies. Complete pre-meeting and post-meeting attendee lists are available - as are lists for specific specialties. Data in these lists include the attendee's name, title, and address - as well as hospital affiliation if supplied by the attendee. Email addresses and phone numbers are NOT included. For details and to place an order, login to your Exhibitor Resource Center.
AAOS has created a marketing free zone that extends a 5-mile radius around the San Diego Convention Center, including event hotels and other venues which will be populated by AAOS Annual Meeting attendees. AAOS has designated EMC Outdoor & Events as the official contractor for offering outdoor advertising opportunities to AAOS 2025 exhibiting companies. View details regarding city-wide opportunities.
FAQ - Housing
You can modify or cancel your reservation as follows:
- Online: Using the modify/change information listed on your confirmation
- Phone: (800) 631-9079 (US & Canada) / (305) 865-4648 (International)
- Email:
Agents available 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday
Phone: (800) 631-9079 (US/Canada)
Email: AAOS@onpeak.comInternational:
Phone: (305) 865-4648 (International)
Email: -
Yes, a one-night room and tax guarantee are required to secure each room reservation. Your credit card will not be charged by onPeak. All credit card information provided to onPeak will be submitted to the hotel over a secure server on Feb. 18, 2025. The information you provide will not be used, sold, or rented in any way.
Contact a reservations specialist at (800) 631-9079 or (305) 865-4648 (International).
Contact our Group Reservation Department for any group of 10 or more rooms.
- Phone: (800) 631-9079 (US/Canada) / (305) 865-4648 (International)
- Email:
No. If a hotel is sold out, you will not be able to make a reservation or place your name on any kind of waiting list.
Please refer to your onPeak hotel confirmation for details on how to modify or cancel your hotel reservation as each hotel is different.
If you need onPeak to resend your confirmation:
- Online: Using the modify/change information listed on your confirmation
- Phone: (800) 631-9079 (US & Canada) / (305) 865-4648 (International)
- Email:
Agents available 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday
No, onPeak takes the hassle out of searching for a room by providing the best hotels at the lowest price available over the AAOS Annual Meeting dates. If the hotel oversells, rooms booked outside of the AAOS block are the first to be relocated to another hotel, usually further away. AAOS provides complimentary shuttle transportation to select AAOS hotels. Housing representatives will be available at the convention center for onsite assistance.
If you find a lower rate over the dates of the AAOS meeting, let us know at
Staying in official hotel rooms helps AAOS negotiate reduced rates for meeting space, food and beverage, and many other services/fees you or your organization would pay if you were not associated with the Annual Meeting.
If you do not receive a reservation confirmation from onPeak immediately after booking, first check your spam, then let us know at
Take time to read the cancellation policy for your individual hotel. If you do not make the necessary changes to the date of arrival or you forgot to cancel your reservation; your credit card will be charged a one night's room and tax “no show” fee by the hotel.
Yes, if you can’t find a room to fit your needs, please fill out this request form and onPeak will help you find the right room for your stay.
You can enter your preferences under the “Special Request” option while making your reservation. The hotel staff will do their best (depending on the level of hotel occupancy at the check in date) to meet your needs.
Before Feb. 18, 2025, your credit card has not been charged and you can cancel using the “cancellation” option on your confirmation or by contacting onPeak.
After Feb. 18, 2025, the hotel will charge your card for the room/tax deposit and will process your refund. The amount to be refunded will be based on the cancellation policy of the hotel. onPeak has no control over hotel personnel, equipment, or operations at the hotel and shall not be held liable for any inconvenience or other loss on the part of the hotel.
After you have made your booking, onPeak will send you a room confirmation email. Upon check-out, you will receive a receipt from the hotel detailing all charges you incurred throughout your stay. If they do not offer, ask for it.
Reservations are held with onPeak until Feb. 18, 2025. You can change/cancel your reservation directly with the hotel beginning Feb. 19, 2025.
AAOS 2025 Annual Meeting rates are available until Feb. 18, 2025, based on availability.
For questions about housing reservations:
Domestic: Phone: (800) 631-9079 (US/Canada) Email: Phone: (305) 865-4648 (International) Email:
Contact Us for Additional Support!

AAOS staff is ready to answer your questions. Reach out to us today using the following contact methods:
General Information
Exhibits Information
For general inquiries, email:
Exhibits & Sponsorships Coordinator
Amanda Bogdal
Exhibits & Sponsorships Coordinator
Noel Sierra
Exhibits & Sponorships Manager
Ken Schott, CEM
Education Information
For general inquiries, email: