Published 9/9/2024
Valerae O. Lewis, MD, FAAOS

Your Voice Matters: Help Shape the Future of AAOS by Participating in the Member Value and Satisfaction Survey

Every member of AAOS should feel represented and supported. The organization strives to be an essential part of your professional and personal journey by offering camaraderie, peer support, learning opportunities, career advice, and access to the latest research.

AAOS is a large organization with more than 39,000 members, and each voice is incredibly important and deserves to be heard. This September, by participating in the annual Member Value and Satisfaction Survey, you can contribute to shaping future initiatives that will enhance the organization’s impact on the musculoskeletal community.

To identify areas of success and areas where improvements can be made, the AAOS Membership Council has worked to ensure that the survey is easy and quick to complete. This year, the survey contains only six questions focused on your experience as a member. It should only take a few minutes to complete, but your input can truly make a big difference. Listed below are the reasons why I am urging you to share your thoughts.

Valerae O. Lewis, MD, FAAOS

Create a more personalized experience
We are a member-driven organization, and our “why” is you. By creating a personalized experience that meets your needs and supports career development, education, diversity, and transparent communication, AAOS aims to be your professional home throughout your career.

Guide the future direction of AAOS
The simple truth is that you cannot steer the Academy in any direction if you do not share your input. Although the 2024–2028 Strategic Plan lays the foundation on which to build, it is your feedback that will shape how AAOS brings it to life. Whether it is advocating for better policies, improving patient care, modernizing governance for improved efficiency, streamlining communication, or forming strategic partnerships, your suggestions will help us prioritize what matters most.

Ensure broad representation in orthopaedics
Our collective backgrounds help make orthopaedics diverse and bring unique perspectives to the field. To truly represent our diverse membership, we need input from everyone. Your perspective—whether you are a hospitalist or in private practice, academia, or an urban or rural setting—helps us create a more inclusive and effective organization.

As physicians, we are on the front lines and understand the changes that need to occur to keep pace with healthcare’s evolving landscape and patient needs. Please complete the Annual Member Value and Satisfaction Survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us shape the future of AAOS, and we thank you in advance for taking the time to participate in this important survey.

Valerae O. Lewis, MD, FAAOS, serves as chair of the AAOS Membership Council.

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