Published 9/9/2024

Stanford Medicine Details Its Journey with AAOS Fracture & Trauma Registry Powered by PatientIQ

Stanford Medicine has long been a supporter of orthopaedic registries, recognizing their utility for quality improvement. However, it also recognizes that registry submission can be burdensome to clinicians and clinical staff. When it came time to utilize the AAOS Fracture & Trauma Registry (FTR), Stanford Medicine turned to AAOS to streamline the process, leveraging its latest electronic health records–integrated participation option with PatientIQ to automate data collection and submission.

Why Stanford chose to participate in FTR
By contributing data to FTR, Stanford’s orthopaedic trauma teams gain access to robust analytics and reporting capabilities. These tools enable them to monitor their performance metrics, compare against national benchmarks, and identify areas for improvement. Participation in FTR creates opportunities for quality-improvement initiatives based on evidence-based insights derived from the registry data. Stanford can leverage this information to implement best practices, streamline clinical workflows, and drive continuous improvement in fracture care delivery.

The power of advanced data elements
The true power of FTR data lies in the clinician-entered advanced data elements. These meaningful data points cannot be easily obtained from coding or abstracted from discrete fields in the electronic health record. Instead, they are manually entered by clinicians during the point of care, contributing to rich, accurate, and complete data submitted to the registry.

Although capturing these unique data points requires a brief investment of time from clinicians during patient encounters, PatientIQ has helped sites such as Stanford make this process highly streamlined and efficient. With each entry taking under a minute per patient, clinicians can seamlessly integrate this data collection into their regular workflows without compromising their primary focus on exceptional patient care. Through collaboration with PatientIQ, Stanford can now contribute valuable data to FTR effortlessly, without adding significant burden to their daily routines.

Comprehensive training and support
The implementation process also included extensive training and support from PatientIQ and AAOS. Stanford’s staff received guidance on best practices for data collection and submission, as well as ongoing support to address any technical issues or questions that arose. This comprehensive support system ensured that the transition to using FTR was smooth, and that staff felt confident in their ability to maintain the system over time.

Advancing fracture and trauma care together
In addition to the immediate benefits of streamlined data submission and enhanced analytics, the partnership set the stage for long-term improvements in clinical practice at Stanford Medicine. By consistently contributing high-quality data to FTR, Stanford Medicine is not only improving its own practices but also contributing to a broader understanding of fracture and trauma care across the medical community. This collective knowledge can drive advances in treatment protocols and patient outcomes on a larger scale.

By adopting this innovative approach to data management and leveraging the expertise of PatientIQ and AAOS, Stanford Medicine has positioned itself at the forefront of quality improvement in fracture and trauma care.

This partnership exemplifies how technology and collaboration can drive significant advancements in healthcare, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and more efficient clinical operations.

Stanford Medicine webinar

For a deeper dive into Stanford Medicine’s experience, a recently recorded webinar is available online. Visit bit.ly/PIQWebinar or scan the QR code to access.

The webinar provides an in-depth look at the challenges Stanford faced and how they were overcome, offering valuable insights for other institutions looking to streamline their own data-submission processes. Whether one is beginning to explore the benefits of FTR or looking for ways to enhance current practices, this webinar is an essential resource.